-Train with the Heiress pt. 2-

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Katsuki's POV:

I thought I freaking scouted the place! I mean I freaking did but I DID NOT SEE ANY SHIT LOOKING CREATURES!!! WHAT THE FREAKIN HELL...!!! Ahem anyways recap after me being such an idiot I blasted the shit faces, dodged and went through the freaking forest hoping not to screw up... again. I don't care about the rest I'm just praying they won't get in my freaking way and won't drag me down either.

"Bakugou do you have any idea what these things are? And how the hell did they pop outta nowhere?!" Ugh annoying she's reminding me big time OF FREAKING COPYCAT *sighs heavily* 

"What do you think they are? You an idiot or somethin?" I questioned angrily, I watched from the corner of my eye of how she used her quirk... thinking I may have seen it somewhere, shitting hell no. I continued to watch until something came at me, I blasted it and my focus on the second copycat slipped my mind and continued attacking the thing.

"Oi Bakugou could it be the heiress's quirk?" half bastard guessed and it could make sense but not enough evidence. These things could be mere obstacles or it's that weird guide's quirk, lots of theories came popping outta my head but I would like to dig deep into them if these freaking monsters aren't in the WAY!

"Extras! Regroup we gotta think before diving in like a bunch a idiots" I yelled to get their attention, luckily a near by ruin was in sight and we all went in.

"Shit, those things wore me out" the suspicious blonde said massaging her forearms, I found it weird and annoying. 

"Those things outside what are your thoughts?" I asked and they began to speak all at once except for Todoroki.

"Okay okay shut up and one by one dammit!" I yelled breaking off their simultaneous and over lapping voices. Gladly they did shut the hell up.

"Well as I was saying those things are elemental creatures alright but where are they coming from is the question" the other half and half said and I rolled my eyes.

"Uh Huh and?" I questioned blankly.

"Look I thought you called to regroup us for discussing some sort of plan" the second copycat said raising her voice and looked at me as if I was an idiot.

"I'm collecting your data from your thoughts don't you get it?!" I asked doing the same thing she did.

"Okay you two stop and let's discuss" solid-liquid said restraining both of us. I sat down and gazed outside seeing the creatures outside wandering.

"Bakugou, what's your plan?" solid-liquid questioned and I stared at the walls of the ruin.

"Those creatures... are on the walls of these ruins.. well one of them" I said, I walked toward the ruin wall and studied them.

"Huh?" blonde nuisance questioned and studied the wall next to me.

"Your right, it looks like the earth element" she added tracing her fingers around the image. 

"These ruins there are four of them around the vicinity correct?" she questioned and I hummed as a response. She began to walk forward inside the ruin.

"What are you doing?" Todoroki questioned.

"Maybe these ruins are connected to the elementals outside" she answered which sort of made sense.

"We need more evidence for that" solid-liquid remarked and I acknowledged her point.

"Why not we split up and check all the ruins?" I questioned and nuisance and solid-liquid exchanged looks.

"And then what get attacked by those things? Nah ah not an option we stick together and have each others backs" nuisance said which struck me.

i HATE everything about you (bakugou's sister AU)Where stories live. Discover now