-Missing Information-

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No One's POV:

As days go by, Midoriya and Bakugou are the most out of everyone to experience immense pain and suffering. Midoriya has been to sleepless nights thanks to him experiencing the same scenario he was in when he was back at the ferry, Bakugou on the other hand would from time to time experience different emotions and not only pain from his chest. Their classmates and teachers were worried for them both. They are in desperate need of answers.

Midoriya's POV:

When I felt that time back at the ferry and back at the room where All Might was in, it didn't feel new for I experienced something like that when I see the OFA holders, but this time it wasn't like that at all. I hear several voices but there was one that was most clear and loud enough for me to hear and understand. That was the five year old version of Kitsuki Bakugou, the one I grew up with and the one I grew most close to... well second to Kacchan, but she was different from him and it made me want to not let go of her.

During the scenario inside the nap room, I wanted to touch her and hold her but I couldn't since she was just a smoky figure, I watched her speak. But then after she spoke two other voices came. One was harsh, raspy and it sounded like something I should go after and stop them. The second voice was more kind and I could say it was almost close to the first voice but then the first voice was a child so I'm not certain anymore. This is really starting to bug me.

I decided to meet up with Toru-san. I didn't want to bother Kacchan since he was resting. I went up to the fourth floor, right wing hall seeing the girl's rooms. I was able to reach Toru-san's room and I knocked, gladly she answered it.

"Oh hey Midoriya, what's it you need?" she asked as she also greeted me, I smiled at her in greeting.

"Am I interrupting your time?" I asked and Toru-san shook her head in disapproval.

"Nope not at all" she said and I smiled again.

"Okay so uh the blackout thing updated and this time I see them in my sleep" I began and she widened her eyes.

"Wait what do you mean?" she questioned, then she checked our surroundings and she pulled me in.

"W-Wait wouldn't this make a s-scene?" I asked nervously and Toru-san got what I meant.

"Uh no.. I hope not at least, well anyway we're discussing something private so I don't think they'll mind" Toru-san explained which kind of calmed me.

"So you're saying you can blackout in your sleep now?" Toru-san questioned and that's one way to put it.

"Yes, it just happened to me last night" I explained and she studied the information I gave.

"Okay we have to tell this to All Might and also to the others... it's new information but we're still missing a lot of evidence on why this is happening to you" Toru-san said and it is true we are missing a lot. Toru-san and I looked for Agawa-san and Todoroki-kun, they were just in the common area discussing other things.

"Guys, new info about Midoriya's blackouts" Toru-san said and it interested both of them.

"What is it?" Agawa-san questioned and I sat down to explain.

"Basically just last night when I began to fall asleep I started to blackout and was in the same position as I was during that time in the nap room" I said and they were just listening.

"But what I had was different, a second and third voice appeared" I continued and Todoroki-kun tensed up as well as Toru-san.

"Who was the voice? Do you recognize them?" Agawa-san questioned, then Toru-san stopped me from saying anything else.

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