Chapter Five-Evil

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A cold wind didn't blow outside Sheppard Bridge Manor.

      Then it stopped.

       Nothing was worse than the Manor's look.

       It wasn't inviting.

       A sense of gloom overcame the Manor. Its black colored gates swayed in the darkness; its black colored glass windows cast a dark shadow over everything.

         There was no feeling of love at Sheppard Bridge Manor; there was just evil.

          Nothing seemed right about it.

          And the visitors were few and far between.

           Before 1600, noone wanted to build anything near the Bridge...or the Manor...Or anything...The stories of ghosts filled the town of London.

             The rumors fuelled terror.

             One story was thus:

             A girl, aged 3, was playing near the Wood. Her parents, Tom and Margaret, 21, were poor. They were undeducated and left school at 13 because there was no pounds to feed them. She had made her way inside the woods and stopped suddenly.

              Near a brown colored tree was a figure in black.

              The figure wore a death mask on its face.

             It spoke in a strange voice.

              "Child of Light...come to me...Fear not me...I am The Giver of the Dark One...Come to me; come. And dwell in the woods...Dwell...For you need to go to the Dark...The Light hurts us...Please go with us; go. The ghosts of Sheppard Bridge Woods are Old...Very Old. There's no dwelling here...If you come, you'll give birth to a new future...And we shall thrive in the enternal darkness...What's your name, Child of Light?", The Giver of the Dark One smiled.

             "Alison Fitzhume, Miss...", Alison said.

              "I am called The Giver...There is no name for me...For to know me...means death...", The Giver of the Dark One said.

              "I don't want to die, Miss", said Alison Fitzhume.

               The Giver of the Dark One laughed.

                "Nay, Child of Light. You have dared to come here. You have not attacked us...You've come to the woods to see things of darkness...The transference of Light to Dark must be completed by a blood offering...Will you offer you blood to me, Child of Light?", the Giver of the Dark One, asked. Alison Fitzhume nodded.

                "I have no knife Miss; I am too small", Alison Fitzhume answered.

                 "Aye, here's a knife, Child of Light...Drag the knife across your right palm and drag it across my left breast...Then you must come to us as a Child of Darkness...and offer us others...Then we shall offer a Bridge to deal with the Children of Light...And their spirits shall dwell forever here...because if anything is broken...we'll make sure the children shall suffer...and roam the Earth in pain", the Giver of the Dark One threatened.

                 "I don't understand, Miss", Alison Fitzhume said.

                  She cut her right palm.

                  Once The Giver of the Dark Ones rubbed the blood over her left breast, it sighed. Then it smiled, clapped its dark hands, and thunder boomed in the evening sky.

                   Then its black colored eyes stared into Alison Fitzhume's eyes.

                    And, once she was bespelled, she became a Child of Darkness...As the ritual had had come to an end.

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Sheppard Bridge Manor Book one A saga novel of ghostly terrorWhere stories live. Discover now