Two: The Concert End

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Grayson Archer

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Grayson Archer

"Hell is empty all the devils are here."- William Shakesphere

The crowd cheered as we closed the stage and welcomed the VIPS backstage to the waiting room, while we put our instruments up. I sling my red and white electric guitar over my shoulder to get it off and I sit it down on its stand  so it can be loaded up into my car and taken back to my house.

"Good job tonight guys, meeting in my dressing room after meet and greets." Austin, Our manager calls out. " Have you finished that new song?"Charlie asks me, as he slings his arm over my shoulders and starts to walk with me. "I'm working on it, just gotta get the last verse down and then it'll be good." I reply. " Alright, we need it in two days, remember." Charlie says. " Got it." I say. Charlie pats my shoulder and then walks off, going to his dressing room.

I mark another show off my calendar and wipe sweat from my face before leaning back on my black leather couch. I let out a deep sigh, another show, another check. Another lonely night is coming up. No time for those thoughts though, I have fans waiting to meet the great Grayson Archer. I pull myself together and spray some cologne on, rinse my mouth with mouthwash, and apply some lip balm before heading to the VIP rooms.

After the meet and greets are over and a thousand pictures are taken. I love my fans, I do but sometimes all of it can be too much. Now it's time for the band meeting and trust me I don't rush to it.

" Last as always, Charlie and Gray." Austin says. I'm not fazed, I just casually take my seat on the couch along with grabbing the bowl of pretzels he always has on his coffee table and start to shovel some in my mouth. " So I called in your promotion coordinator in.''Austin says, holding his hand over to Bridget. " So with recent magazine columns and questions coming out she has determined what we need to take each one of your socials and fan life up in general. I will give the floor to her now." Austin says introducing his wife. Bridget walks from her seat at his desk and in the front of the room where we can see her dressed in her professional but casual outfit for the concert.

I hate these meetings. They absolutely bore me but then again it's better than being at home. A big house with no company is just pathetic.

" Okay as for the main band account I think we should work on group posts. Be more active. You guys are teenagers. Go out, take pictures and upload them, ask them questions, do TikTok's but interact more. I also think we should start doing meet-me interviews. Once a month one of you hosts a zoom chat and a limited number of people get five to ten minutes with you. Maybe fifty people each month. Two of you do this so they can talk to you all."

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