Star Trek Voyager: Lost and Found (Chapter 1)

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The insistent buzz of the alarm clock pulled Chakotay from his pleasant dreams and he sat up suddenly, startling Seven who was still half asleep on his chest. “Computer, date and time!”

“Stardate 7356.9, Friday 23rd of July 2378. 0730 hours.” Taking this in, he turned to Seven, who with her quicker reactions was already climbing out of bed.

“Don’t you have your last medical appointment with the Doctor today before he goes to that three week medical conference on Trill?”

She walked to the balcony window of their bedroom, throwing open the curtains to allow the early morning San Francisco sunshine to flood in before replying. “Yes, during my lunch hour.”

He wrapped his arms round her from behind as he approached. “You know, some people use their lunch break to actually eat lunch.” He teased gently.

“It is inefficient to use a whole hour just taking nutrients while on duty.”

“You’re right if you say it like that!” he laughed. “The Doctor’s going to kill me if you haven’t regenerated enough again this month.”

“Do not worry, I would deactivate him before he killed you.” She said in her typical deadpan yet humorous tone, which made him laughingly reply “Thanks!” as she kissed him.

“I did regenerate last night, you did not notice because you were asleep when I left and when I returned.”

“How very inconsiderate of me! Can I have a do over?” he said, only half jokingly.

“Not now, we’re running late. Do you want me to make scrambled egg for breakfast?”

“Yes, please. I’m going to miss your cooking while I’m away.”

Seven hid the sadness which crossed her face at the reminder of his leaving almost immediately but his well practiced eye caught it. “I’ll be back on Monday; I have to go to try to persuade them to back my research somehow.” He sighed, “Not that I have much hope.”

“That is the wrong attitude. I have confidence in you. Your research is excellent.”

“I hope people who don’t live with me have the same opinion.” He said with a wry smile.

They settled down to an as usual delicious breakfast, then travelled at together to the city centre only parting at the fountain in the square which separated the departments they were working in, with an embrace which warmed the hearts of the people watching.

Seven was at that time assigned to Starfleet Engineering, working on the Borg modifications on a new ship, the aptly named U.S.S. Resistance. The work itself was satisfying enough, but her colleagues constant questioning often left her feeling down hearted. She felt she had little to complain about though, as her relationship with Chakotay, which was now 14 months and nine days old by her calculation continued to flourish beyond her wildest expectations.

The morning passed relatively easily and when 1300 hours came she left for her appointment with the Doctor, who greeted her cheerily as she entered his state of the act offices in Starfleet Medical.

“Good afternoon Seven, how have you been?”

“There have been no problems Doctor.”

“Good…good, did you have your menstrual cycle again?”

Seven flushed at the intimate question. “Yes.”

“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about Seven, I know it’s still relatively new for you, I was as surprised as you were when that part of your human physiology reasserted itself. That emotion suppressing implant in your cortical node controlled more that I thought. I suppose there’s some sick logic to it if you think about it.”

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