Star Trek Voyager: Lost and Found (Chapter 10)

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Numb, that was how Chakotay would have described himself as he alternated between Seven’s bedside and Xenia’s incubator. After a couple of hours he passed out from sheer exhaustion in the chair at Seven’s bedside.

The Doctor came to check his comatose pupil again, the results were pretty bleak. He cast a sad eye over at the frowning sleeping face of Chakotay; it was time to be upfront with him. He shook his shoulder until he was awake enough to register his presence; the hope in Chakotay face as he saw him broke the Doctor’s heart. “She’s awake?”

“No…I’m not sure if she will ever…”

“How can you be sure? You don’t even know what’s wrong with her!”

“I’m not sure…but I know the results, every implant in her body is destabilising, she went into preterm labour because her body couldn’t support itself anymore, the drug protected the baby but weakened her horribly…I’m trying to think of possible treatments but we all may have to face the fact that…”

“No! We can’t give up on her not yet!”


Before the Doctor could say anything more Chakotay’s comm. badge interrupted. “Captain, I know you’re on personal leave but the Falcon has arrived and Commodore Kettering wants to see you.”

Chakotay hated leaving his girls but also wanted to avoid talking of Seven’s future so responded straight away. “Take him to my ready room and tell him I’ll be right there.”

“I’ll contact you if anything changes with either of them.” The Doctor told him in a quiet sympathetic tone.

“Thanks.” Chakotay replied, giving his fiancée and daughter long lingering glances before leaving.

Kettering gave him an anxious sympathetic smile as soon as he entered. “Chakotay, how are they?”

He had to swallow hard before replying, “They’re not sure.”

“I can’t believe they would stoop so low as to use a child against her mother like that, it must have been a shock for you.”

“It doesn’t mean I love her any less!”

“No, no, of course not. A parent’s love is boundless, as Seven has already demonstrated to her credit. I’m sure the Federation will take that into account when the things she did are discussed.”

“She hasn’t done anything wrong! It’s all Section 31’s fault!”

We know that but the Romulan Empire is baying for blood and the Federation has to deal with this in the least destructive manner…”

“Are you telling me that they want to use Seven as some sort of sacrifice to the Romulans?”

“I’ll do everything in my power to prevent that and I’m sure anyone with any sort of moral compass will follow my lead.”

Chakotay tried to seem reassured and failed. “I need something more concrete than that! I want assurances that she won’t be persecuted over this…”

The urgent beep of his comm. badge and the agitated yet resigned tone of the Doctor’s voice forced the excruciating pain of more immediate concerns back to the forefront of his heart and mind. “Chakotay, you need to come to Sick Bay.”

“Go.” Said Kettering with understanding.

Chakotay was out of the door before he even understood what Kettering had said. The scene which met his eyes horrified him. “What happened? Why is she on a ventilator?” referring to Seven, now plugged up to even more machines than her daughter.

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