Star Trek Voyager: Lost and Found (Chapter 13)

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Chakotay groaned as the sound of his comm. badge invaded his sleep, tightening his grip around Seven’s waist and squeezing his eyes shut, not wanting his peace to be snatched from him. Beep. Beep. Why can’t whoever it is just leave us alone? He thought irritably as he tapped the badge. A highly agitated Doctor immediately made himself known. “Chakotay, I can’t find Seven!”

“She’s with me.” Chakotay told him calmly.

With you? She’s supposed to be in Sickbay…” the Doctor practically shouted.

“I’ll bring her to Sickbay in a few minutes Doctor.”

“No, you’re going to bring her right now...” Chakotay turned off his comm. badge, not in the mood for the angry tirade.

Only now did sleep release its grip on Seven. “Chakotay…what’s wrong?” she mumbled drowsily.

“It was the Doctor…”

Seven tensed, anxiety making her instantly alert. “What’s wrong with Xenia?” she asked fearfully.

Chakotay gently rubbed her back to calm her, “She’s fine…the Doctor’s just fretting about you…”

Seven sighed in relief and exasperation, the Doctor had worried her over nothing. “He has other things to concern himself with.” She said shortly.

Chakotay looked at her unhappily. “Everyone cares about your health Seven…I know you don’t like him fussing over you…but you need an all clear, okay?”

Seven sensed worry in his tone and used one of the social techniques she had been taught to lighten the mood. “Well we had better not delay your execution at the Doctor’s hand any longer.” She said in a deadpan tone as she stood up and took Chakotay’s outstretched hand.

“What was my crime? Is it pardonable?”

“I am unsure…no one has ever kidnapped me from Sickbay before.”

Chakotay laughed, “You’re right, I’m definitely in for some trouble!”

The trouble the couple anticipated hit them as soon as they were in the door when the Doctor’s livid face greeted them. “Nice of you to finally make an appearance!” he said sarcastically. “You’re under medical observation Seven, go and lie down.” He turned away from her to face his real target, Chakotay. “Just because you’ve been promoted Chakotay, doesn’t mean you’re above the rules! No patient can be taken out of Sickbay for a nanosecond without my permission…especially one who was on a ventilator eighteen hours ago! I can’t believe you would be so irresponsible…”

“I was having some private time with my fiancée who’s been held hostage for the last six months and is the mother of my child…”

“Ah, don’t remind me, it was you getting her knocked up that caused half the problem…”

That incendiary comment would have made Chakotay lose his cool if Seven hadn’t stepped between them, holding Chakotay back and giving the Doctor a death glare. “Never make such a comment about my daughter again.” She told him with an icy clarity.

The Doctor of course, had instantly regretted his words and was deeply repentant. “I’m sorry Seven, I was angry…”

Seven though she knew in her heart he hadn’t met anything was upset and felt herself rapidly losing control and was frightened as tears coursed down her cheeks. “Nothing about this is Xenia’s or Chakotay’s fault…I am responsible for it all…” Another dizzy spell swept over her, but the Doctor and Chakotay both caught her and carried her to the biobed.

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