Star Trek Voyager: Lost and Found (Chapter 14)

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The Resistance and the Falcon travelled together on the eight week trip to Haven where Seven would apparently stand trial. Chakotay and Seven didn’t really talk about it, though it was constantly on both their minds. Seven’s body began its slow road to recovery, she was only allowed to retreat to Chakotay’s quarters after five weeks of confinement in Sickbay but even after she was freed she was in there with Xenia almost every hour she wasn’t regenerating.

Seven stepped out of her alcove; her internal clock told her it was 0600 on the 27th of March 2379. The ship was scheduled to arrive in Haven’s orbit on the 3rd of April, one week from today. She pushed that to the back of her mind and instead remembered that Xenia would be seven weeks old today. Making her way directly to Sickbay, she went straight to her baby, glancing anxiously at the Doctor. “How is she today?”

The Doctor smiled at her. “She’s doing well; she’s reached her target weight now.”

“She can leave Sickbay?” Seven hid the hopefulness in voice not wanting to be disappointed.

“If you can feed her fine, then yes I believe so.”

Seven beamed at him, a very rare event and the Doctor flushed with pleasure. Remembering Chakotay, Seven tapped her comm. badge, “Chakotay?”

“Seven? What’s wrong?”

 “Everything’s fine. The Doctor has informed me that Xenia can leave Sickbay today.”

Really? That’s great!” Chakotay enthused, “I’ll be right there.”

He arrived a few minutes later, bending affectionately over Xenia. “Good morning, angel. Are you ready to get out of this horrible place now?”

“It’s not horrible…” started the Doctor indignantly, but Chakotay just laughed at him.

Seven approached her fiancé and daughter, observing Chakotay’s sleep tousled hair. “Did I wake you?”

“Not really, I was just dozing. I would have got angry if you hadn’t told me straight away anyway.”

The Doctor smirked slightly, “You’ll be wishing you took the chance to sleep when you’ve got a baby in your room.”

“No doubt.” He replied, but exchanged a knowing glance with Seven. Any number of sleepless nights was worth Xenia being out of Sickbay for good.

The Doctor now took the situation in hand, lecturing them about what and what not to do, the feeding schedule they were to follow and so on. Finally they were allowed to leave with Xenia and went straight to Chakotay’s quarters, where they found Lyudmila and Alexander standing surrounded by baby things. Seven stared at them in disbelief, “You replicated all this?”

Alexander swallowed nervously, “Well we thought you wouldn’t have had time to do anything…”

“You were correct. Thank you.” Seven said with a grateful smile.

“We’ll leave the three of you alone for now, come on Alexander.” Lyudmila said, admiring Xenia before drifting towards the door.

“Okay, thanks again!” Chakotay told them as they left. He looked around at the bassinet, changing table and piles of clothes which now dominated the room. “I hadn’t realised babies needed so much stuff.”

Seven nodded in agreement. “Lyudmila and Alexander seem to think its all necessary.”

“I’m sure it is…we don’t really know anything do we?”

“No.” Seven stated without looking at him, lowering a sleeping Xenia into the bassinet.

Something in her tone told him that he had said the wrong thing and he came up behind her and squeezed her shoulder. “I didn’t mean anything by that we’ll learn. Everybody has to.”  He was met by silence and looked at her intently, only now seeing the tears that hung off her lashes.

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