Star Trek Voyager: Lost and Found (Chapter 9)

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“They’re trying to fix the cloak!” Harry said to Chakotay urgently.

“Fire at the shield generators and send Seven the message again!” Chakotay ordered, feeling both satisfaction and fear he saw their torpedo hit its target.

“Their shields are down!” Icheb called out as the first scans came in.

“Any word from Seven?” asked Chakotay anxiously.

“Not yet.” The minutes ticked by as they waited, to Chakotay it felt like hours. Come on Seven, give me a sign that you’re there, he prayed. “I got it!” cried Icheb excitedly, “She sent the confirmation code, she’s going to beam over!”

“Lower the shields!”

As soon as the shields were lowered the shots that were getting fired at them began to take their toll. The third in a row clattered into their engines and Tom spoke up. “We can’t take much more of this Chakotay!”

“Just a little longer!” he snapped back. Hurry Seven…

“We’re getting a transporter signal!” shouted Icheb joyfully.

“Direct it here!” shouted Chakotay. He leaned against the railing, pressing a hand to his forehead, feeling overwhelmed with relief as the transporters buzzed.

Who he saw materialise was not his beloved Seven, but two elderly humans, the woman clutching what seemed to be a bundle of rags to her chest. He scanned the room in desperation, but Seven was nowhere to be seen. Tom angrily said the questions he was too upset to voice. “Who are you? Where’s Seven of Nine?”

The woman gave a stressed sob and sank into Tom’s chair, the man replied for both of them. “She…beamed us off first…I…I’m Alexander Stonetsky and this is my wife Lyudmila.” Alexander didn’t want to endanger Xenia, well hidden in Lyudmila’s arms, by mentioning her.

Chakotay now forced himself to speak. “So…she’s just coming?”

“She’s not in any fit state to be fighting off Section 31! You have to get her off…she said she was irrelevant…” cried Lyudmila, on the brink of hysterics.

“Chakotay we have to fight them off or else we’ll be destroyed!” Shouted Tom above the din of firing.

“You can’t just leave her in that hellhole!” Alexander shouted directly at Chakotay.

“Icheb, keep trying to locate her signal…” The ship shook as another volley of torpedoes hit and Tom fired back without permission causing an explosion out the side of the war bird.

“I’ve located her Borg signature!” cried Icheb, immediately lowering the shields and initialising the transport, before sending another torpedo in the war bird.

Chakotay fell to his knees with a heart wrenching wordless moan when he saw Seven’s lifeless body, with its sparking implants appear on the floor of the bridge. When Alexander attempted to go to her, Chakotay snarled “Stay away from her!”

“I’m a doctor!” Alexander snapped, completely ignoring the Starfleet idiot.

Icheb stopped all argument by beaming Seven away. “The Doctor has her in Sick Bay now Captain.”

Chakotay opened a comm. link to Sick Bay, “Doctor, what’s…”

A nurse answered. “He is attempting to resuscitate her now, Captain.”

The word resuscitate silenced the room, until Lyudmila bent over the bundle in her arms and wept bitterly. Harry was the first to speak. “The war bird is about to blow up, will I beam over the crew?”

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