Star Trek Voyager: Lost and Found (Chapter 7)

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“Captain?” echoed Chakotay

Harry smiled at his shocked face. “It was Admiral Janeway’s idea, the Resistance has to go on a test mission and she thought what better cover for the rescue than the Falcon accompanying it.

“We’re not going to file an exact flight plan of course, but the cloak Seven built can apparently disguise the fact that we’re going to Romulan space.” Tom explained.

“How long will it take to be ready?” asked Chakotay eagerly.

“Just a week.”

Nine weeks later the pair of state of the art ships, Kettering on the Falcon and Chakotay on the Resistance, were just approaching Rumola II where the last sign of Seven had been found. Chakotay turned to Icheb at Tactical, “Any sign yet, Icheb?”

“No, sir.” Icheb replied grimly.

“Kettering to Chakotay.”

Chakotay put Kettering on the bridge view screen. “Have you found anything sir?”

“No, I think our best bet is to split up so we can cover more ground. Ensign Icheb told me that he had created a certain signal we could emit that only Seven would recognise, is it complete?”

Chakotay turned to Icheb and he nodded. “I’ll send the specifications and we’ll start using it immediately.”

“We’ll keep a comm. blackout until we have something, we can’t risk alerting them.”

“Yes sir.”

“Good luck Captain.”

“You too.” When Kettering cut off, Chakotay sank into his chair. Please God, let luck be all we need, he prayed silently.

Seven was now being forced to build faster engines for the ship. Thankfully she no longer had to take the risk of climbing into engine ducts as at twenty seven weeks even Johnson had to face the fact that she was now far too large and weak to be doing such work. Thus she had the dangerous freedom of a console, meaning that she had two guards to her back the whole time, Johnson had learned the lesson of her failed escape attempt thirteen weeks before and now had her confined to quarters when she wasn’t forced being forced to work or having her ten minute weekly scans, her only contact with the Stonetskys. She was running a scan of the surrounding space to begin her test run of the new engines when she saw it. She checked at least five times but her mind was not deceiving her, someone was sending out Borg alphanumeric signals in short bursts. The number 7.9 occurred over and over followed by the access codes to Astrometrics on Voyager for extra confirmation. They were coming for her. The hope that flowed into her entire being was indescribable and unfortunately was obvious on her face.

“What are you smiling at?” snarled one of her guards in suspicion.

Mercifully her natural presence of mind kicked into action. “My…baby moved.” She lied as convincingly as she could, putting her hand to her stomach for extra effect.

“Shouldn’t you be getting used to that by now woman?” responded the guard grumpily, not totally believing the lie.

“Yes I should be…perhaps you should take me to sick bay…”

“Get on with your work!” snapped the guard.

His companion looked at Seven thoughtfully, “Maybe we should…the boss will kill us if she dies because we didn’t take her to sick bay…”

Seven hid the triumph from her features, remaining stoic as they argued and then eventually took her to sick bay.

As soon as she entered, Alexander scanned her with an unreadable expression on his face which Lyudmila caught but Seven didn’t. Seven was desperate to tell them about the message so gave them the prearranged signal which Lyudmila acted on instantly. “Right, all men out!” she told the guards and Alexander.

Star Trek Voyager: Lost and FoundDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora