Star Trek Voyager: Lost and Found (Chapter 2)

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Seven’s eyes fluttered open to see Chakotay standing before her. “It is 0400 hours, what are you doing?”

“I have to leave for my trip, remember? I should be back by 1800 hours on Monday.”

“Do you want breakfast?”

“I’ve had it already.”

“You should have woken me.”

“I didn’t have the heart, you looked too peaceful.” Seeing the tension on her face, he gave her a kiss. “Promise me you won’t spend the whole weekend stressing about that meeting.”

“I will make an attempt.” He allowed a slightly dissatisfied expression to cross his handsome features and Seven smiled in reassurance. “I will be fine. Icheb is coming to visit me.”

“Ah, good. Say hi to him for me.”

“I will.” She kissed him deeply. “Don’t forget about me.” She said softly, using her customary joking parting comment.

“Never.” He responded huskily, returning the kiss. “I’ll see you on Monday.”

“Good luck.”

“I’ll see you soon.”

As soon as he left, Seven stepped from her alcove; now that he was gone she could start his birthday present. She pulled open her large private storage cupboard and dragged out five boxes bulging with carefully catalogued files. The idea had come from Chakotay himself, although he didn’t know she had acted on it, he was unhappy at work, his research on pre warp civilisations had been stalled by the directors. The Borg had collected lots of information on thousands of such species and Seven knew that if she gave him all this in way digestible to the directors’ board they would have to back him. Now she was just waiting for Icheb to bring what he had found and help her to finish off.

At 0900 hours precisely as arranged, the doorbell rang announcing Icheb’s arrival. Seven opened the door to find standing with three further boxes at his feet. “You brought them.” She said pleased and satisfied.

“Yes, where do you want them?” She directed him in and they settled down to work, perfectly happy, dispensing with the human need for conversation.

Her peaceful weekend ended too soon, on Sunday night Icheb had to return to his quarters in Starfleet Academy to prepare for his exam which would allow him to graduate as an Ensign two years early, so Seven spent Monday morning alone trying not fret about the meeting and failing miserably, going through every possible scenario of what they could want with her.

1500 hours found Seven arriving at Starfleet Headquarters, a sprawling complex of interlinked buildings filled by officers as manicured and obedient as the carefully constructed gardens surrounding them. Most people probably found this reassuring, but the place always left Seven uneasy.

Upon entering Admiral Janeway’s sumptuous office, Janeway turned away from the three men that she had been in deep hushed conversation with and flashed Seven a quick smile which didn’t reach her eyes, obviously not concentrating on her old protégé.  “Good. You’re on time as usual.”

Commodore Kettering, whom Seven had met during her last meeting, smiled at her. “I’m sorry to call you away from your important work Seven, but there are some things we need to discuss.”

“I am aware and willing, Commodore.” Seven replied politely, eyeing the two strangers to whom she hadn’t been introduced.

Kettering followed her gaze and shot the Admiral a surprised look; obviously the Admiral hadn’t done introductions. He gestured towards the older man, “Seven this is Admiral Samuels” Samuels shook her hand hard, looking her directly in the eyes with an intense expression. “And this is Commander Berg.” Berg was what some people would have described as handsome but Seven saw through his suave charm instantly, when he also took her hand she gave an involuntary shudder, the man’s presence unnerved her for some reason.

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