Star Trek Voyager: Lost and Found (Chapter 3)

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Seven opened her eyes blearily, confused by the glittering object which dazzled her eyes until she realised it was the diamond on her ring, still in place on her hand from the night before. Feeling the pleasant bulk of a soundly asleep Chakotay beside her, she propped her herself up on her elbow and gently traced the outline of his facial tattoo with her fingers, the fears of the day before non existent as she watched him. Eventually she woke up enough to realise that 0900 hours was fast approaching, she would have to go to work. Reluctantly she tried to sit up, but Chakotay began to stir, tightening his grip round her waist and pressing his face into her shoulder. Any resolve she had to leave him disappeared and she had a new idea. Somehow managing to get out from under him with liberal use of soft kisses which soothed him enough to let her go, she got out of bed a threw on her dressing gown, entered the living room and sat at the phone, where she rearranged the screen so that the person she was going to call could not see her incomplete state of dress.

That person was Commander Benning of Starfleet Engineering Corp and also Seven’s boss. They exchanged normal pleasantries and Seven built up enough confidence to ask her question. “Would it badly inconvenience you to allow me to take a day of annual leave today?”

Benning couldn’t help but smile at the young woman, she looked the happiest he had ever seen her, with a constant smile on her face, a healthy pink hue to her normally pale complexion and unhidden excitement in her normally cool detached eyes. “You have the highest attendance rate of any of my people, of course you can! I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Yes. Thank you Commander.”


Just as she terminated the call Seven heard Chakotay calling for her and returned to the bedroom. He smiled in relief when he saw her. “I was worried you’d gone to work without saying goodbye!”

“I am not going to work today.”

“Why not?” asked Chakotay perplexed.

“I took a day of annual leave.”

Chakotay stared at her in astonishment. “You’ve never taken a voluntary day off in the five years I’ve known you!” he exclaimed.

Seven looked at her feet, beginning to feel uncertain if she’d done the right thing. “I thought…since this is the day after our engagement was confirmed I should spend the day with you…and since Tuesday is your day off I thought today would most suitable…” He still had that look on his face and her unease deepened. “My plan is not satisfactory to you?”

“Of course it’s satisfactory! It’s one of the best ideas you’ve ever had!” he said enthusiastically.

She approached where he sat at the end of the bed. “What do you wish to do?”

Chakotay wrapped his arms round her back. “Well, since we’re officially engaged now, we could do a practice run for our honeymoon.”

Seven was confused. “A trip away for one day?”

He laughed softly. “Sightseeing isn’t the main reason for a honeymoon.” He said, suggestively tugging at her dressing gown.

Realising what he meant she kissed him deeply. “If that’s what you want, just say.” She murmured.

“I will next time, I promise.” He replied in the same tone, returning the kiss and pulling her gently on to the bed.

That day was a cherished one of privacy, they didn’t inform anyone of their engagement until Thursday, three days after the event, when they met Icheb, Harry, Tom, B’Elanna and baby Miral for lunch. Halfway through the meal Chakotay decided it was time to make the announcement. Putting his arm around Seven he tapped the top of a glass for attention. “I have something I’d like to say.” When they had all turned to look at him he continued. “I have asked Seven to marry me and she said yes.”

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