Star Trek Voyager: Lost and Found (Chapter 8)

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Seven!” Chakotay jerked awake with a cry, his heart racing, feeling sick with fear. As the panic which had suddenly gripped him drained away, he tried desperately to rationalise his emotions. It’s just because I’m worried that Kettering won’t get to her. They had received the Falcon’s message six hours before and had immediately followed; the Doctor had ordered him to rest until they either met up with the Falcon or traced Seven, apparently he was on the brink of a nervous breakdown. He had denied it and resisted at the time but as his mind reeled from the nightmare he couldn’t help thinking maybe the Doctor was right. He shakily got up and replicated a cup of tea but felt unable to drink it, the feeling that something drastic had happened weighed heavily on his heart.

“Captain, we’re getting a distress signal from the Falcon!” shouted Harry through the comm. system.

“What?” His heart twisted in grief, his bad feeling hadn’t been unfounded. “I’ll be right there!”

When he reached the bridge the sight of the ravaged Falcon greeted him on the view screen. “Commodore, what happened!” he exclaimed.

Kettering ran a stressed hand through his hair. “We found the ship…”

“You…you have Seven?” Wild desperate hope filled him.

“I’m sorry…they shot us with some sort of sonic weapon…she’s definitely on that ship though, we did it some good damage before we had to retreat but…”

“Do you think there’s any way we could try again?”

“This ship in no fit state to fight and if you were to go in alone you’d have to try something dangerous to have any chance of getting everyone, including Seven, back alive.”

Chakotay would have tried anything, no matter how dangerous to get Seven back, but as he was a Captain now he had to take total responsibility for the lives of his crew. He scanned the set, determined faces of his senior officers and Tom spoke for them all. “I think after all this we can have one last go, Chakotay.”

Chakotay nodded to each one gratefully, before going on the ship wide comm. “Crew, we all know what we came for, but considering the circumstances participation in this mission is entirely voluntary. Anyone who doesn’t feel able to go must beam over to the Falcon and help with repairs.”

No one left their station and upon hearing this Chakotay felt fresh hope enter his depleted soul.

“Godspeed Captain.” Said Kettering in blessing.

“Thank you, sir.” He turned to Tom. “Follow that trail at maximum warp.”

“Yes sir.”

As they left the Falcon behind, Chakotay heard Icheb ask for him and went to Tactical. “What is it Icheb?”

“Captain…my anxiety about Seven’s state of health has increased again, she would never shoot a Federation vessel willingly…”

Chakotay felt his shoulders sag. “I know Icheb, I’m worried too but worrying won’t help Seven.” Even though he said that, Chakotay was unable to take his own advice.

Lyudmila felt unspeakable relief as the child she had begun to fear was stillborn uttered a plaintive mewing but still life insuring cry. “Oh, thank God!” She rubbed the blood from the tiny fragile body to get her circulation going and get her dry and warm. “Good girl, happy birthday!” she murmured as she expertly swaddled the baby in blankets, trying to block out her husband’s desperate attempts to save Seven’s life. The power went out again and they were plunged into darkness, causing Alexander to mutter several Russian curses in frustration. The emergency lighting kicked in but to Lyudmila’s dismay the incubator immediately became unoperational. She cuddled the baby against her chest in an attempt to provide the struggling infant with warmth. “Please keep fighting, little one.” She whispered.

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