Star Trek Voyager: Lost and Found (Chapter 4)

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As soon as the transport ended Seven lashed out blindly in panic, her feet and nails contacting with a brute of a man, but he just threw her over his back like a ragdoll, the sensation of being flipped immediately caused Seven to pass out and she went limp in her captor’s arms.

The pain shooting up her shoulders pulled her from the blessed unconsciousness, she instinctively tried to run but as her senses came back realised that she was bound to a chair by her ankles, her arms twisted painfully behind her back. The room she was in was pitch black, but with her optical implant she could see outlines of objects clearly enough to be able to tell that she was in some sort of storage room. The muffled roar of engines told her she was in a starship which was not a good sign; her captors were removing her from Earth’s orbit. Her internal clock told her that she had been unconscious for twelve hours, it would now be Sunday morning in San Francisco by now, surely someone had found Chakotay and treated him?

A sudden influx of light into the room temporarily blinded her and she struggled to focus on the woman who had just entered carrying a tray of food. She gave the hooded woman her most steely glare. “Where am I? Release me now!”

“Eat.” The woman ordered, completely unmoved, putting the tray at Seven’s feet.

“I cannot.” Stated Seven icily, indicating her bound arms. Untie me she thought desperately.

The woman was wise to that and began to spoon feed her, forcing it down until Seven choked and had to swallow. When the plate was emptied to her satisfaction, she left as silently as she had entered leaving Seven stranded once again in total darkness. She forced herself to analyse the encounter over and over for anything helpful but all that she could glean was that the woman had spoken Glerenian, which didn’t soothe her because the Glerenians were mercenary race willing to do anything for anyone, this ship must be taking her to her final destination.

Much as her mind attempted to fight the constant nausea, it eventually gave in to the demands of her body and she was powerless to stop herself from vomiting until she once more lost consciousness.

Seven!” yelled Chakotay as he jerked back to consciousness, hoping against hope that it had all been a horrific nightmare, but finding himself in the bare sterile environment of a hospital room. A young nurse, alerted by his cries ran to his bedside. “It’s all right, sir!” she exclaimed, trying to get him to lie back down, but he fiercely resisted.

“It’s not all right! Where’s Seven?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“Well then, bring me someone who does!” He yelled again, trying to get out of bed, ignoring the pain which burned in his chest.

“Bring his doctor in here now!” the nurse told security sharply.

Chakotay sat back slightly, his body heaving and his heart thumping until he was shocked again by the EMH and Admiral Janeway entering the room together. “Doctor, what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be on Trill…” He took one look at their horribly despondent and stressed features and his heart plunged to his stomach. “She…she can’t be…”

“She’s gone.” Said the Admiral listlessly.

NO! She can’t be dead! You should have saved her…”

“That’s not what she meant, Chakotay! She’s gone as in missing! Do you know who it was who took her?” The Doctor said urgently.

“If I knew do you think I’d be sitting in here taking to you when I could be out killing those bastards who have taken my fiancée?” he shouted, unable to control the myriad of emotions that were rushing through him.

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