Crossed roads

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The venue was probably the loudest we've ever been too their were so many girls their they were all trying to get Austin's attention and at least half of them were crying because he got wet from the pool so he took his shirt off but Rob and alex didn't do a good job of blocking him times like this made me sad because I knew I was going home after 2 more shows we were going to Disney and then LA Im going home before they leave for Japan don't get me wrong I would love to stay in really gonna miss then and it sucks bad but I'll see them in a few weeks after that what sucks about that though is I'll only see them for a week before they head on an out of the country tour like Peru and Mexico

"Ohio is crazy" austin said walking into his dressing room

We were here for 2 more days Until we get on the road again

"Let's get some ice cream" austin said his eyes lighting up

"YES" Rob screamed his eyes twinkling

"Ashie lets go" Zach said putting his arm around me he's the only one who calls me that Zach is a very close to the family he's my brother

We were wandering around the streets of Ohio in search of a ice cream parlor but we couldn't seem to find one

"Holy crap down their" Rob screamed

"Wait let's race" austin said

They all took off and I was close behind austin everyone else was behind us I was gonna win until austin picked me up holding me bridal style

"You did that because you didn't wanna loose" I said poking his chest

"Maybe" he said putting me down


"Definitely rolling around in mud" I admitted

"I'd watch that" austin mumbled

"What was that"

"Hm nothing" he said eating his ice cream

"Okay wait kiss austin or alex" I asked Rob


"Thanks robert" austin said

Then we broke into laughter just like I said earlier moments like this 😭


We all decided that we were gonna go down to the hotel pool since it was our last night when we got in the room their were a couple of girls their that were obvious MAHOMIES as soon as we walked in they all jumped up and stared at austin

"Are you guys fans" I asked and they nodded their head really fast I gave austin a slap and pointed to the girls he walked over to them and they were all over him don't get me wrong I was a little mad i stood their dead grilling them while their hands roamed around his body pulling at his shirt after they got s couple pictures and he practically signed anything they had he walked back over to us

"Pool time" austin said pulling his shirt of and I swear the girls were drooling Austin's body was mine

"Marco" Rob randomly shouted in the pool

"Polo" alex yelled back swimming towards me

"Marco" Rob said louder

"Polo" we screamed all huddled up in the corner of the pool he opened his eyes

"Cheaters" Rob pointed

Austin was sitting on the chairs with his arms wrapped around me the girls were of course staring in their little bathing suits sluts I rolled my eyes and looked at austin

"Babe don't worry about the girls don't be jealous im all yours" he whispered in my ear

"I'm not jealous" I lied and he shot me a look

"I'm yours"

"Well let me show them in yours" I said kissing him out of nowhere but I stopped it when I realized the crew was in the pool but thankfully no one was paying attention but the girls

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend" the girls said with such an attitude

"I'm sorry" austin said smiling

When we went looking for the rest of the crew we found then fooling around in the weight room

In the morning we had and early start austin was already awake when i was getting ready austin was putting in his adorable stage clothes when I got in the dressing room he stood in his under armor boxers his outfit was a red jacket over all black black high top sparkly shoes and his precious beanie ontop his head he looked so happy in stage it was met for him he loved it

When he got back in his dressing room her stripped of his clothes as usual we were running behind schedule so we had to hurry back into the tour bus we had a long 16 hour drive to Disneyland but it was worth it when we got their it was beautiful we surprisingly had a couple hours before he had to go on so we rode a couple of rides and we all room a nap before hand

He performed right in front of the castle at night when fireworks were going off and everything austin and I were finally going to have our date

I wore a red flowy dress with sparkles along the bottom and a white ruffled top austin looked cute too he had ripped jeans on and s plain white shirt with a leather jacket iber it his hair was our back in his SnapBack and he had red sneakers on we took a walk along the water and went out to dinner

"Theirs one more thing I wanna show you before we go back to the hotel" austin said slaking me towards the castle

"Ashley I love you so much it's unexplainable im going to say it again and again please don't go back to miami PLESSEEE come along with us I don't wanna continue the tour without you" he said holding my hands

"Austin I don't get this were just friends remember"

"But I don't wanna be friends I want you to be my girlfriend please ASHLEY stay with me"austin said running his hands through his hair

"Girlfriend is the hat you said"

"Yes ASHLEY plesse be my girlfriend" he said looking me directly in the eyes

"I don't know what to say"

"Say yes ash" " ash I know you want this you want me so bad and I can just tell"

"Oh don't flatter yourself mahone"

Austin licked his lips and then grabbed my face kissing me so passionately I couldn't believe I was gonna let this go we were only here for tommorow AND they were of to LA as much as it was gonna break me and him I had to leave and let him go on his own and the part about me being his girlfriend I really wanted to be of course I did but I just couldn't

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