Double the trouble

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We landed in Miami around 2 in the after noon Chicago time so it was about 1 in Miami we for a taxi to his hotel he mentioned he was staying at before we got to the front desk and Zach handled all the check in shit alex looked a little better than he did on the plane i wrapped my arm around his shoulder shaking him a bit to make him look at me and he did smiling but it was fake but I didn't protest

The suite was nice their were only 2 beds so someone was bunking together I don't mind sharing a bed with anyone Zachs my Brother and alex needs the support I've spent many times In the same bed with both of them we've had more sleepovers than anyone I think

We decided we were going to surprise austin when we saw him on the beach I put on a bikini for the first time in a while considering how fucking cold it always is in Chicago I needed some color I was white as Casper

We got down to the beach and it was nice and warm I haven't seen the ocean in 6 months dam I missed it I was almost tempted to kiss the sand

"Guys im starving come get food with me" I groaned

"I'll come im starved too" Alex said getting up walking with me to the snack bar their Were so many more choices then I remember and I couldn't figure out what to get I wanted it all

"Doritos and a water" Alex said raising his hand to get the cashiers attention

"Same" I said I waited for the food and looked around the beach trying to spot austin but he wasn't their I spotted a kid in a white button down shirt that was flowing he had on a white wife beater and black jeans that couldn't hang any lower on his waist his dark shades covering his eyes I looked a little closer and saw he was dealing some money to a kid was this dude dealing drugs in the middle of the beach jeez has Miami changed that much

When we got our stuff and got a little closer i noticed the familiar voice it was colt I did a double take looking at him he had dark brown hair his blonde roots growing his eyes weren't icy cold blue they were brown like Alexs he had to be wearing contacts but why was he in disguise

I walked away from alex up to colt listing to what he was saying to this kid as I got closer

"Ashley" Alex yelled running up the beach towards me

"Colt" I said pulling on his shoulder he was counting his many 20 dollar bills when he looked up at me he realized who I was

"Wanna explain what your doing in Miami why you have dark brown hair and are wearing contacts" I said examining anything different about him

"Because I'm doing something if your not buying I csnt really talk to you it's gonna blow my cover" he whispered

"What the fuck colt are you dealing drugs" I said a little to loud

"Hey" he hissed "I don't go by colt it's Colby and maybe I am what's it to Ya"

"Colt Colby whatever your name is this is a felony tell me know why your doing this"

"Not here come to my hotel" he said writing down the address "here" he said walking away putting his shades back on

"Alex that's colt"

"What he left months ago saying he had to take care of something is that something drugs"

"No I have a feeling it had nothing to do with drugs"

The hotel ended up being the hotel we were staying at what a coincidence I banged on his door at the time he told me too and he opened it with a towel on his waist wet hair it was becoming lighter every Time he took a shower it seemed he let us in going back in the bathroom coming out dressed drying off his now brown hair I watched him as he took out his brown contacts revealing his beautiful icy blue eyes that i was obsessed with he sat Down on the bed and looked at me

"Tell me"

"I had to come down here I needed money and I didn't have any way of getting it so I decided to take up some random drug dealers offer on the side of the road at 1am to work for him here I am making thousands a night but it's not all for me I almost have enough money to come back"

"Why what do you need money for" I said

"It's a family matter thing don't worry about it" when I was about to ask him he got a knock

"Colt I got the money put it away so we can go give it to max tmrw" that voice was all to familiar when I pulled the door back I saw my boy why was he dealing drugs with colt

"Austin" I yelled jumping into his arms

"Ashley omg I missed you so much" he said hugging me

"Are you dealing drugs with him"

"Yes" he was totally honest wow

"Why baby" I said crying

"No please don't cry" he said

"How about we take it inside love birds" colt said stepping aside

"When I first got here with Rob I was walking somewhere alone and saw something I want supposed to be threatened me with a lot of stuff so I had to do what he said I considered telling Rocco but I couldn't he said he would take what's most valuable to me and I don't want that i don't want him to take you" he said kneeling in front of me holding my hand

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