Its one thing to assume

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The flight was about to land I looked over to austin he was staring out the window with his beats were wrapped around his neck he had his phone clinched in his hands it was late the sky was dark with the light of a thousand stars the flight wasn't that full their weren't many in first class dave was gathering his things up putting away his computer and jacket he was wearing when we got onto the flight

Everyone walked in front of us as we all walked down the long hallway to get to the airport

"Austin Ashely sit down were gonna go grab a taxi" Michele said to us

Me and Austin took a seat on the chairs in the airport austin was still being distant so I decided to ask him

"Austin what's the matter baby" I said grabbing his shoulder

"Nothing" he said not looking at me
I was gonna protest but dave came back to get us it was still dark out and late it was around 3am maybe austin was just really tired

We were staying at his aunts house for the time we were going to be here I believe we were coming down here for one of his cousins birthdays

"Austin can you handle sleeping with Ashely in the same bed?" I overheard Michele ask austin as I was helping dave get all the bags from the taxi

"Yea mom I'm not even up for that tonight" austin said making his mom raise her eyebrows austin grabbed his bags from dave and went upstairs so I followed him because we were both sleeping in the same room

"Ashley" Michelle said calling me over to her


"Do you know what's up with austin?"

"Nope I wish I did"

"Okay if he lets you know will you let me know I hate seeing him upset I know he's not tired he would have been sleeping theirs something on his mind" she said I nodded my head agreeing to whatever she was asking me i knew he wasn't tired either

Austin was being very quiet and that's not like him at all austin didn't even bother to unpack his suitcase he slipped in the bathroom slamming the door shut and if that's not enough he locked it too I put my things in the closet being sure to leave enough space for Austin's things when and if he unpacks them Austin eventually came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him he let it fall to the floor and he pulled on some sweats and a Tee shirt shaking his hair a few times before he ran his hands threw it he did sit down on the bed and looked through his phone maybe I could make him feel better

"Austin" Ashley said wrapping her arms around my neck from behind me

"What's the matter"

"Nothing" I said even though it was something

"Let me make you feel better" she said in her best let's have sex to ease the pain voice

"No Ashely not tonight" I said

"Please" she begged

"No Ashley" I said pushing her off

"Fine be like that whatever" I fell back on the bed sighing

Austin was being a jerk I was trying to make him feel better so I decided to give him some space I went back to "our" room to grab some pillows and a blanket he was already long asleep with his phone in his hands he was being way to protective of it lately he Always had his phone out in the open he never slept with his phone ever I grabbed a pillow and a blanket from the closet I had my things in and decided to sleep on the couch

"Hey why are you sleeping on the couch" dave asked me shaking me awake

"Oh I slept down here to give austin some space because he was acting weird I don't know what's going on with him but he's ignoring everyone" I explained

"Oh well Aunt Lisa made breakfast so come on" dave said

I got up pulling the blanket off of me the couch was actually more comfortable than I thought I got in the kitchen and everyone was awake and sitting around the table enjoying their breakfast austin was being quiet again with that stupid phone in his lap turned upside down so no one could see what was going on with his phone

I sat down next to dave while Austin's aunt gave me a plate full of really good looking food I kept my eyes on austin going in conversations only when I was asked something nothing excited was happening with austin until his phone went off everyone's attention was drawn to him when he jumped up going outside to answer his mysterious phone call

by the time austin got back in we were all cleaning up the dishes I offered to help clean up so I could wait for austin to come back inside when he got inside he looked even more mad then he already was if That was possible he walked right past me running upstairs

"Jesus" I said Under my breath

"Austin why didn't you tell us you had a concert tonight" Michele said

"Because it wasn't important" Austin yelled

"Austin don't yell at us what is wrong with you" Michele said

"Nothing jeez just leave it alone okay I'm doing this because I have to not because I want to"

"What do you mean you love performing" I said jumping into the conversation

"Yup and I love having sex with you but I don't always want to do it but I do" Austin yelled at me

"Woah guys" Dave said

"I remember us being in this exact situation a couple of months ago when you two were fighting about your little charade I let go on is that what your upset about austin are you two fighting about that?" Michele asked

"No it's not" Austin snapped

"Wait I have a question about that
what is that supposed to mean don't always want to but do?" I said looking at him

"It means i don't always feel like it but I do just to shut you up" Austin yelled getting out of the limo but he walked in the venue smiling with his bodyguards around him this kid could act as soon as we got backstage I closed everyone out of his dressing room but me and him

"Your the one who always wants to have sex with me if anyone's doing it to shut someone up its me" I yelled know it was my turn to scream at him

"Oh shut the fuck up that's not true"

"Oh really who forced me to have sex with him the other night who begged me for hours and kept touching me wouldn't leave me alone Until I finally gave into having sex with you" I yelled

"That wasn't sex I told you that" he whispered angrily

"What was it then austin what?"

"I wanted to make love to you I wanted you to know I really loved you I do ash I really love you we can't be just fuck buddies no more im breaking rule number one im falling in love with you and I can't seem to get myself out of it im only performing tonight because of Becky she keeps calling and texting me and tweeting me anything she can to get my attention she wants me to talk to her I stupidly had sex with her ruining our relationship I wanted that to work I want us to be together" Austin yelled

I couldn't even process what he just said Becky was outside and austin went to go talk to her he had such a fake smile on it was amazing he was so hurt inside but he pushed all his feelings aside and acted like Becky's best friend it's one thing to think Austin's in love with you but knowing he is is a whole nother story

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