Ex boyfriend

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Today was our last day in the beach house we've only been here 3 days we have to be back in Miami anyway it was fun and nothing really happened between me and austin besides that first night here

We were all sitting around outside watching the sun set for the last time on the beautiful lake austin was going on his big tour and I wasn't going to see him for 6 whole months but it's alright he can go to Becky I can't handle his constant cocky remarks and his drug problem lately just sitting here he's high as fuck like what the hell happened I don't even know who he is anymore

"Austin lets go" alex said pulling him inside

Rob leaned over " we're going to Vegas you know you don't have to come if you don't want but I just don't know how to handle this kid"

"No I'll go"

We looked inside the windows and saw alex reprimanding austin he was yelling waving his arms around but austn just didn't seem to care he rolled his eyes and stood their like a cocky fuck me and rob quietly opened the door and listened

"Austin what the fuck why are you smoking weed"

"Don't fucking tell me what to do alex"

"Are you fucking high right know" alex said pushing him but austin pushed back

"What the fuck austin chill"

"Don't tell me what to do jeez"

"Come one Wheres austin"

"I'm right here duh"

"No this isn't you" alex yelled storming upstairs

We looked at each other shocked and went inside to pack out things we were gone in 2 hours we both walked by austin ignoring him

"Oh ignoring me to" austin said

The ride home was silent no one wanted to talk to anyone but me and rob alex was pissed with his ear buds in and Austin was on his phone the whole time you could cut the tension with a knife

When we drove past a sign that said welcome to Florida I was so excited and even more excited when we pulled up to the house I practically fell out of the car running up to the door tackling dave in hugs he got back last night austin and Alex walked in seperstly and they both went to seperstly rooms

"What's up with them" dave aske d

"Something you should have taken care of" I said slapping dave

"Ow ok I will" dave said going to austins room but minutes later he walked out with a joint in his hands and out to the patio to lite up again dave came behind him waving his arms at me

"That's what I'm talking about stop him" I said dave ran outsid sitting jn front of him

"Austin what's going on come on" dave said crouching down infront of him austin refused to talk but he handed his joint over and walked really fast by me with tears in his eyes

I ran upstairs to go see him banging on the door Until he opened it he was in tears and I felt so bad he was so vulnerable and I couldn't stand to look at him I've only seen him cry when he was little but know look at him

"Austin please explain why you've been acting like this I don't like it at all" I said

"I want you back ash Im trying I really am it's not working I can't deal with this I need you baby" when he said baby my heart melted I couldn't resist baby

"Austin you have to promise to stop the weed and the drinking and anything else your doing" I said

He was hesitant at first "ok promise" I pulled him into a hug and he started crying

"What's the matter baby" I said stroking his hair but he cried harder I tried calming him down but I think he needed to let it out I think it needed to be cried out he fell to the floor pulling him with me holding me close enough to hear his heartbeat he's never cried in front of me ever

Who votes for ashstin I do!!
Their back AWEE 😏

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