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i walked in one austin and becky they pulled apart from eachother they laid under the blankets with nothing on their clothes were scattered all over the floor it was obvious what they just did i couldnt belive he just broke the trust after we just started dating he already cheated

"ash it isnt what you think she suduced me-'

"save it austin" i said

"baby" he said pulling his pants back on his body i looked away as he did i couldnt belive clark was insdie soem whore becky i didnt even want to look at it to be honest

"ashley can you hold on" he said running after me down the hallway i turned around in tears and saw becky walking out all dressed up she was on her phone probaly twwitter about to tweet "just stole this girls boyfriend whore or nah" like thats what is should say

"austin how could you after-"

"Ashely i didint-" i cut him right off i knew whatr he was going to say

"didnt what mean to cheat on me mean to have intentional sex with her she didn seduce you austin you willingly had sex with her dont stand here and lie to me saying she raped you or soemthing" i said crying

"baby i didnt know what i was doing it the meds-"

"oh any excuse you could use austin go date becky this shit is over" i said slamming the door to my room austin was banging on me door but i locked it and sat infront of it after a few minutes i heard a door slam downstairs and loud fast footsteps coming upstairs

"HOW COULD YOU MAN" i heard my brother yell i pulled open the door to see zach he grabbed austin by the shirt and slammed him against the wall holding his collar

"HOW COULD YOU BRO WE WERE BEST FRIENDS I LOVED YOU I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU GO AHEAD AND DO THIS WERE NOT FRIENDS NO MORE I-" alex rippped zach from austins collar and pulled him back rob stood infront of austin because he was still gasping for air after being chocked zach was still yelling as alex tried to hold him back

"YOUR LEAVING I WANT YOU OUT OF HERE DONT COME BACK YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" Zach screamed at his best friend i couldnt belive they were fighting like this they never fight ever they were all and always best buddies nothing ever came between them zach ran over to me pulling me into a hug he came in my room with me shutting the boys out

"im sorry baby girl i couldnt save you" zach said holding me

"its not your fault bro its not" i said squeezing him tighter


a couple hours passed and zach was passed out on my bed i took a quick shower before i settled down to eat dinner with everyone i went donwstairs fro the first time in hours to see if everything has cooled down by know and thankfully they have austin was still here sadly he was sitting on the couch talking to alex about me i assume because they stopped when i came in the room i didnt want austin to leave but i did in a way because of what he did i felt bad that i was comign between him and his best friends though because they are best friends and i didnt want to be the cause that theyy dont be friends anymore i hated to think of it that way but it had to be done it had to be said and it was said

austin just sat their on the couch next to alex he looked at me but didnt say anything i think he didnt know what to say he knew i didnt want to talk to him and he knew i wouldnt belive his apology so their was really nothing to say besides those two things and i didnt want to hear any of it not right know at least we were best frieds too until our stupid sex charade had to ruin it best friends are hard to find and i took the advatage of taking him up on his sex oppertunity and look where it got us know we werent even speaking to eachother i grabbed a water and sat next to rob on the island he had his heads in his hands

"whats the matter robbie" i said trying to cheer him up bvecause he always laughed when i said robbie he looked at me and smiled he grabbed my arm taking me outside

"i feel really bad for what austin did to you and i had no idea you guys have been having sex for years" he said

"how did you know that?" i wondered

"i heard him tlaking to alex i was right their i just think they didnt even care anymore austin was just so upset that he was just spilling eveyrthint to alex he was shocked he didnt know that much" rob said sitting next to me

dinner was quiet my dad started many conversations but no one said anything after that austin was sitting on opposite sides of the table hw would occasionally look up at me and when he did zach shot him a glare and he would look at his plate alex sat next to him the whole time they were eating with one hand both of them so i looked under the table becaus emy curiosity got the best of me and i saw them holding hands alex was holding his hand for what reason i dont know but they were intertwined under the table i never seen such a thing they've had their moments but nothhing in public to be seen purposly like this when they noticed i was looking they pulled apart well alex did but austin still wanted his hand when alex did austin looked up at me with his red eyes and put his hand on the table and so did alex when i continued with my food and whispered to rob their hands went right back under the table intertwinign their hands yet again weird

we decided to do our usual movie night after dinner bvecause we were trying to keep the fight between just us and away from michele dave and my dad so we sat on the couch and yet again we spred out zach was next to rob so he could grab him if he had to but honestly i dont think austin was gonna do anythign he was being extra senstive kater on into the movie i saw austin put his arm around alexs neck austin went to go get a water ad alex followed all the way into the kithcen hung areouund eachother like they were dating wth is going on with them two

after the movie we finally went to bed but i was awoken at 3 am by rob he wasnt far he was sleeping in my bed with me see this wasnt weird it was normal what was weird is if we werent in the same bed rob was one fo my cloest frineds and one of the only people i would let sleep in my bed beside tyler and austin but no anymore he woke me up saying it was tyler so we all rushed dow to the hospital well me and rob did we saw everyone in tears and upset red eyes trying not to cry austin had his head in his hands while alex rubbed his back like a girlfriend would do in a confroting manner but a little gay ot me because of what has veen happing today

"whats going on" i said getting worried because tyler wasnt their

"tylers gone" zach said trying not to cry i stood thei rletting the tears flow to my eyes rob pulled me in to a well needed hug fro the both of us my best friend is gone and i didnt even get to say goodbye why do all the bad things happen to me in order i love you tyler

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