In mourning

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its been a week know and ive been in mourning ever since i havent really left my room as much ive missed thie whole week of school becaus ei just cant find the energy to go everyone has been really nice to me telling me everything is going to be okay but i just dont know anymore tyler was really close to me he was my best friend and i lost him we had to go to the funeral soon and we still have to set it up tylers mom wants me to go to her house to help her set it up and she wants me to go through tylers room and grab anything i want because she knows how close we were so i finally dragged myelf out of bed to get dressed to go over their  i couldnt go like this i looked terrible and i mean it 

after i got out of the shoiwer i got dressed i nsome high waisted ripped jeans and a flowy black top i curled my hair up and applied make up over my zombie looking face i grabbe dmy white converse and ran down the stairs while i was brushing my teeth everyone was eating breakfast downstairs and they all stopped and looked at me 

"oh you look nice where you headed" zach said

"tylers house his mom wants to talk to me about the funeral and she wants m,e to take what i wasnt out of his room" i said 

"thats good your getting out" zach said

"do you need a ride" austin said fianlly speaking to me as he put the dish in the sink

"nope" i said grabbing my bag and begining to walk down the beach but someone came running after me 

"yes austin" i said not even turning round because i knew it was him 

"let me give you a ride" he said chocking it out 

"fine" i said agreeing


"do you want me to pick you up too" austin said 

"no i dont want you to drive all the way back" i said getting out

"then ill come inside too" he said i rolled my eyes and closed the car door 

"hi ashley" tylers mom said huggin me 

"hello austin" she said shocked i walked in past them talking and saw tylers little sister she was only 4 im not sure if she even understood what was happinng 

"hi ashwee" she said running up and huggin me 

"is ty ty with you" she said looking up at me with thsoe big brown eyes i couldnt help but let a tear fall from my eye she rubbed my face 

"mommy ashwees crying" she yelled pulling me with her to her mom

"its okay sweetie shes fine" she said picking up kaycie 

"so i have the papers over their roy isnt home right know hes working so its just us" she said

"i wanna come with ashwee" kaycie said

"no honey you have to go play with your toys were doign grown up stuff" she said 

"ill play with her" austin said

"thank you austin kay austin is going to play with you alright" tylers mom said she nodded and ran up to austin and he crouched down to her height

"tin" she said smiling at him 

we sat down on the kitchen table and pullled everything out we were going to bury him in san antonio tx where he grew up so we had to get everything al settled for that i was for one excited to go back to texas ive missed it so much these days after we figured everything out she brought me to the familliar room that belonged to tyler 

"you can take whatver you want sweetie" she said closing the door behind me 

i looked around for a minute and visioned when we used to hang  out


"tyler come on we have to study" i said 

"noo" he whined pushing my book off the bed i was too lazy to stand up and get it so i leaned over and tyler pushed my butt so i fell on the floor 

"TYLER" I YELLED jumping on the bed giving him a smack turning it into a wrestling match


we had alot of fun times in here i walked around near his dresser and what not i saw his collection of bracelets lying around when i foudn a familliar one it was our friendship breacelet weve had since kindergarten im supised he still has i i had my stored away in my dads closet of old memories of me and zach wehn we were little ill never forget the day we made them they said "tyler + ashley= friends 4 ever" they were this baby blue color with black writing i loved those bracelets i grabbed that putting it on my arm and looked around some more i pulled the draws open next to his bed and pulled out a stack of old pictures ive never really got the chacne to go through his room freely so it was pretty intresting all  the thigns he kept they were just pictures of random things from along time ago  when i came across one of me and him we were very younge we had to be in first grade 

we were both standing next to each other and he had this advengers shirt on with his adoreable glasses and i had on this strawberry dress with my hair in pigtails and these big red bows on each side that was when my mom dressed me before she died too we both had our super gay lunch boxs mine was hello kitty and his was super man it was the first day of school ever it was the day we solomly swore we would be best friends till the end and even though its the end for him im not gonna stop being his best friend ever i grabbed that picture stuffing it into my bag and picked  up a recent picture of us from his dresser it was the week before he got killed we all decied to go down to the beach together and tyler wante a picture i was on his back sticking my tounge out holding up a rock and roll sign and he was holding me making a stupid face with his glasses up side down what goofs i walked over to his closet grabbing a few of my favorite shirts he always used to let me wear and these sweatpant i was in love with i defintitly didnt forget to grab  my favorite body spray he wore whenver he did i was always attacted to him smelling him 

i walked out closing the door wuietly his mom met me their because she was coming from the bathroom

"did you find evrything you wanted?" she asked

"Yes i did" i smiled 

"and of course your welcome back any time" she said holding my shoulder

"of course" 

we walked dwn the hallway when i stopped and looked at a big picture of me and him in the middle of the wall with other fmaily pictures arounf it it was the last time we dressed up at my cousins wedding i had on this really cute red sparkly bridesmaid dress and tyler was rocking his tux with red all over it he had his arm around my waist holding champaine in one hand and i had on in mine he was making his famous face with that smirk on him while i was trying not to laugh at somehting zach was doing with austin so i stuck to smiling that was a very fun night 

"i have a smaller one if youd like" she said notcing me looking at the picutre 

"yes i would" 

after i grabbed what i need and wanted and said goodbye to everyone me and austin got back on the car and drove home when we got their xach asked me about the funeral

"so when is it"

"june 14th" i said plopping my bag on the counter i pulled out my phone and stared at my backround they were oth pictures of me and tyler i coudltn choose which one i wanted me and that kid had more pcitures together than a model at a photo shoot i really want him buired with the bracelet on no matter what our friendship sticks 

R.I.P- tyler :(

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