Bectin rumors confirmed

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i had to get down to the place today i had to go meet up with this guy but i definitly wasnt going alone and i wasnt taking dave so i rounded up the only people i could trust with such dangerous imformation 

"guys look this is serious" i said closing the door looking at my 4 best friends 

"whats the matter austin" alex said 

"rember that guy in that gang that WE were involved in before i got famous marco?" i said 

"omg what about him" rob said jumping up 

"well he texted me last night saying we had to go meet up with him or he was going to take something of value to me" i said

"and whats of value to you austin" tyler said 

"my sister" zach said 

"ding ding ding" i said jumping up and down 

"where does he want us to meet him" 

"the abandoned marriot hotel just out of town"

"what are we waiting for lets get suited up" zach said opening a closet in the hallway pushing aide clothes to another door 

you didnt think we were going to go empty handed of course not we were fully suited up guns hiden in our pants and shanks in our socks we were ready to fight if we had to we go in robs car because his wasnt quit as flashy as mine was we drove down to the buliding and waited 

"good to see you showed up mahone" marco said 

"wouldnt miss it" 

"come this way" 

we followed him down the hall to a room he closed the door behind me i have no idea were all my friends went

"wheres the money austin" marco said

"your not getting anything like i told you 9 months ago" i said slamming my hands on the table 

i heard faint gun shots and marco pulled a gun on me i put my hands up pretending to surrender and a playful smirk came across my face when my hands connected with my waist band and i pulled my gun on him 

'do you really think im that stupid i may have left the gang but i never left the danger" i said 

we began shooting back and forth when i started hand fighting him we were rolling around in the hallway and he slammed my hand on the ground and my gun went flying i crawled for it but down he pushed me i gave him a kick and grabbed my gun running dow the stairs everything seemed in slow motion 

"tyler no" rob yelled 

i looked to my left and saw a bullet heading right towards tyler i jumped the bullet went through my stomache and into tyler down he went under me and i laied on the ground seeing nothing but black i heard my name being called but nothing else i remebr i tried to walk to the car and i did i was put in the back seat along with tyler and we drove to the hopsital i was trying so hard not to black out but i couldnt hold it anymore i woke up with beeping and a couple people next to me 

"wheres tyler" i imediatly thought 

"hes in ICU" rob said 

"glad your awake" a sweet voice said 

i looked down at my stomache and had a patch on it i vaguly rember getting shot but nothing more after that 

"is tyler okay?"

"we dont know yet" rob said 

once i got to go home i tired to pay tyler a visit but they wouldnt let anyone in their veryone was really upset but i couldnt figure out why i had no idea what was even going on dave met me in the parking lot where i took a couple pictures with fans i wondered if i was ll over the media about getting shot or no i sure hope not 


a couple hours later everything started to come back to me slowly tyler tunred out to have been badly wounded thats why he was in intensive care and they didnt know when he was going to come out of it he dosent really remember much either i was feelign alot better which was good i only had a couple stiches alone my side but i would be fine everyone went out to get food i got invited but i didnt really fee up to going so i stayed in i took my pain meds and just relaxed on the couch when my phone dinged 

"hey austin im back in miami be really nice to see you :) - becky"

for some strange reson i took that invite and let her come on over to the place when she got here i kindly let her in and we sat along the kitchen counter and drank some red bull she wanted to see the house so i showed her around a little bit i was still a little foggy and didnt really know what was going on from the accident and my meds 

"i hope you feel better" she said 

"oh you heard"

"everyone has heard"

"is it out on social media" i said

"not so much, show me your room" she said smiling 

for some weird reason i didnt think anything of it i actually thoight why did she want to see my room so i brought her their showing heraround a little bit their wasnt much to show their wasnt any posters on the wall because this wasnt my house it was just ashelys guest room that i was staying at for a little while i sitll had suticases to unpack and everything one thing lead to another and i suddenly had no control over my acctions i just did it and imediatly felt guilty 

we left austin behind because he wasnt feeling good i felt bad and wanted to stay with him but he insted that i went along with everyone eles he didnt want him to hbold me back but i was a little suspcious on why he wanted to be their all alone and beckys twitter update got me even more suspcious 

@iambeckyg-"back in miami visting a special friend ;)" 

"is austin seeing becky" i asked alex if anyone knew it was him 

"i dont think so why" alex said aso i had to make up an excuse i couldnt say oh because hes my boyfriend no one knew that not even him and he was austins best friend we were really trying to keep this a secret 

"oh just wodnering if the becstin rumors were true" i lied 

"oh is someone jealous of a little competition with mr pop star" alex teased 

"course not"

my phone dinged on my lap and it was a tweet from myt favorite guy 

@austinmahone- "just did something bad and feel really guilty :("

@iambeckyg- "having a good time in miami :)"

those two tweets got me suspcious i pushe dmy chair out and started walking for the  exit still eyes on my phone when someone pulled me back spinning me aroung 

"where are you going sis" zach saidd

"i think austins cheating on me" i blurted out and i covered my mouth after it was too late 

"wait im sorry did you say austins cheating on you" zach said puzzled

"what no ill be at home bye" i said leaving really quick 

i ran as fast as i couldn until i got extresamly tired and couldnt run no more but i pushed myself all the way home and bursted through the door when i got to austins room i saw something no ones girlfriend would ever want to see i saw something i wouldn never want to see austin do i saw something that was mine and onlyminne that was our special bond and no one elses and know it was gone it was shared with someoen else it would never be the same anymore austin ruined it more importantly she did 

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