Thats the plan

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She's been pounding on the door for an hour giving me a massive headache im sitting here with my hands over my ears but nothing seems to block out the constant pounding I was done I couldn't take it no more

"ASHLEY STOP IT" I yelled pulling at my hair

"No until you open the door"

I ran over pulling the door open

"What ASHLEY what" I yelled

"That's no what I met to do I thought you were with Becky I didn't think you wanted me anymore I thought you wanted Becky" she said

"Well you shouldn't have had sex with Justin" I scoffed

"Sex austin what are you talking about" Ashely said confused

"You had sex with Justin you know sex like me and you have sex" I said trying to explain the word sex

"Austin what the hell is wrong with you I never had sex with justin all I did was kiss him the one time just Know"

"What do you mean the other day he said take it off like last night" I said confused knkw

"Yes because I changed in front of him because he walked in on me by accident I never would have sex with him because of what you said the other day austin you said you were in love with me that means so much" she said

"Oh my gosh please tell me you had sex with him go have sex with him right know ash please" I begged

"What the fuck why austin"

"Because I had sex with Becky last night im so sorry I though you had sex with justin ash please"

"Austin please tell me your lying" she said beginning to cry

"No ash please don't cry" I said going to give her a hug

"Don't you dare touch me austin that's twice you had sex with her what is wrong with you once a cheater always a cheater" I said

"No ash please it's not like that"

"Save it austin" she said walking away know I was the one chasing her

We were all sitting down having an important dinner with my mangers we were talking about me going on tour again so I'll finally be able to leave her house and we will both be very happy away from each other but Ashley wasn't making this meeting easy at every turn she got she was trying to sabotage my metting by dropping Becky's name or Justin's or things I've done or parties she was trying to get me In trouble and i didn't like it one bit

"So austin what if Becky g came on this tour and she was one of the People who opened up for you?" Rocco said

"Oh he would like that but you might want to keep them in separate buses" Ashely mumbled

"What" rocco said

"Excuse us"

I was done with her I grabbed her pulling her through waiters Until we got to the bathroom pushing her against the wall so she would listen

"Stop it ash stop. Trying to get in my head and stop trying to make me look bad in front of my mangers I didn't do anything it was a big mistake I wish I never even met her on the beach in LA when I went I'm sorry ok I'm really truly sorry and in not gonna do it again even if she comes on tour with me I will not be sexual with her I will Not even touch her in a way a friend wouldn't if she comes on tour I have to be nice to her she's a guest on my tour stop ruining the only thing that matters to me" I said walking out leaving her their

I got back to the table and everyone was just finishing up

"So Becky G?" Rocco said

"Whoever wants to come" I said shaking Rocco's hand

Right know I was just about ready to go home I had to fly out to LA on my birthday because I had to meet up with some of the record label that's out here we were gonna start the tour once we found two more people to come on tour with me then the tour was gonna start up their shooting for July I couldn't go home just yet though we still have a lot of preparation to do before I can officially go back to Miami

"Austin could you wait for me I can't run in heels" Ashley said Running up behind me I turned around picking her up over my shoulders

"Austin really" she said and I slapped her ass

"Ouch austin what the hell"

"I'm sick of you" I said putting her in the car

I got in the other side slamming the door and she started up

"Austin what the fuck is your problem why are you throwing me in the car and-

My phone started ringing and it was my mom

"Ash shut up its my mom" I said looking at her

"Hey mom"

"Hi honey are you still in LA"

"Yup I'm driving back to the hotel right know with Ashely"

"Oh tell her I said hi and I was just checking up on you so I love you and goodnight"

"Okay I will love you to Mom bye"

"What did your mom-"

"She said hi" I said starting up the car

The whole way back up to the room Ashley was still complaining about me

"Omg ash do you ever shut up"

"do you ever not act like an asshole"

I looked at her and she was watching the lights on the elevator it was so slow I thought nothing more to just grab her and make out with her right their what she needed was a good spanking and some good sex to shut her up that's my plan I looked at her one more time she was hammering the 20 floor button I grabbed her hand slowing pushing her towards the wall

"Austin what the-"

"Shh quiet"

I pushed her hands to her sides and started kissing her she kept trying to wrap her arms around me but I kept them their no touching which is going to be difficult for her the door dinged and I picked her up causing her to wrap her legs around my waist but I still wouldn't let her wrap her arms around me

"No" I said pushing them down and She gave me such a confusing look I slipped the key in the door and threw my backpack on the ground up the stairs we went and she just looked at me the whole time I pushed the door open tossing her on the bed so I was hovering over her and again went her arms

"No keep them here" I said holding them above her head

"Austin why-"

"Quiet" I said stepping back

Mahone's just a friendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن