Colton vs Austin

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The hotel was nice me and ash got our own room which is all I was worried about I needed sex with her

After we tossed out suitcases in the room we decided to sneak down to get some alcohol but ran into someone I didnt want to see

"Colt" I growled

"Austin" he said back

"I can't believe what you did you fucking asshole" Austin said raising his voice

"Oh what did I do to make austin mad this time" he said

"You fucked my girlfriend is what you did" austin said

"Oh no no we had sex because she started it" colt said

"No she didn't you fucking raped her"

"I only did what she wanted me to do"

"We were drunk austin" I yelled

"You wanna know something austin I wasn't drunk I made her drunk putting drugs in her drinks I was sipping on water and soda the whole time so yea i fucked your girlfriend"

"You fucking asshole" Austin said pushing colt into the wall

"Austin you got nothing but your career and friends"

"At least I don't have daddy issues"

"Ha lier where's your father huh where is he" colt yelled pushing austin off him

"At Least he's not in jail" Austin yelled colt have him a good whack to the face

"Oh and where's your mommy getting drugged up to forget she got stuck with you" Austin said going on and on he wouldn't shut up

"My father didn't kill himself because you ruined his life" colt said

Rob and alex and dave came out of the rooms and then along with Zach Rob and Alex went to austin to hold him back and Zach went to colt

"I didn't get passed around like some fucking trophy because no one wanted to keep me"

"I have all the money and drugs You could ask for" colt said

"That's all you have that's Ir no one gives a fuck about you"

"You don't know anything but fucking ashley and jumping around in stage"

"I have a legit career and girls following me everywhere"

"I can't get any girl I want" colt said

"No colt this is without drugging and raping them"

Austin for loose getting in colts face giving him a clear shot to the nose colt whacked him with his other hand that happened to have rings on them and boom austin was bleeding they were full on fighting rolling around in the ground we eventually pulled them apart

"Austin I think you need stitches" I said examining austins head

"Yea because of you dick" Austin yelled but I grabbed him

We spent the rest of the night in the hospital I was forced to sit in between the two in hope they wouldn't fight over me because Rob was in the middle but that didn't work when austin was getting stiched up colt apologized

"Dude my bad" colt said laughing

"haha what are you gonna do" Austin said

"How did this happen" the nurse asked

"Just do your job" colt said and she scoffed leaving the room when she finished

"Why do boys fight and get over it whiten minutes" I asked Rob

"It's just a boy thing" he said an di laughed looking at the boys actually getting along and not wanting to kill each other

It's been a week since the whole me and colt stitches incident we've been getting really close lately I have hung around him more than any of my other friends and even ashley we haven't fucked in a week but I wasn't too worried about it I was to involved with colt showing me all this new shit he's going back to LA tonight which kinda sucked since we were having a blast everyone was happy he was going for what reason I didn't know

"Bye colt gonna miss you bud" I said hugging him before he got into his yellow Lamborghini

"Thank god he's gone" Rob said

"Why do you guys hate him so much?"

"Because he's taking our best friend away from us it's not fair were your friends not him" Zach said

"Guys are your serious come on ash"

"Austin im just as mad as everyone else" ash said

"Why because you guys had sex big deal"

"Austin really?" Alex said

"Whatever guys colt is a good kid" I said

I was so fed up with austin by know he gets into a full on fight with colt ends up getting stitches and then here he is fucking around with him the tour would be over in 3 more short weeks but I couldn't stand rooming with him

I went into his room without knocking because I didn't want to talk to him their he was sitting on his bed with his laptop open as usual I wondered what he did on their all this time I started pulling clothes out of the closet stuffing them in my suitcase pulling clothes from underneath austin teit were clothes scattered all over his bed mine and his he was so clueless as to what I was doing

"Doing laundry I have clothes"

"No im not your idiot" I said slamming the door to leave

"Woah what happened in their" Rob said

"Come here and I'll tell you" I said pushing him into the very small confined bathroom space

"Austin Dosent give a dam if I move out of his room he asked me if I was Doing laundry"

"Ashwie no he's oblivious to it he's really into you ash"

"Yea he has a funny way of showing It that's for sure"

"Let's play some Xbox" I said

The venue was amazing as usual they loved austin and he couldn't get enough of te attention he fed off of it

"Loudest venue" Austin said walking backstage

He walked to his dressing room getting patted on the back he stopped when he saw me but I just looked away I don't wanna speak to him dosent he get that he shouldn't becoming friends with colt

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