Your totally crazy

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I woke up being held really close to Rob he had his arms tightly wrapped around me it was 3am and our door was closed the events from a few hours ago came back to me and my eyes got watery I rolled over to face Rob he was sleeping snoring like himself I felt so safe in his arms I felt like no one could hurt me he was always protecting me no matter what I believe Rob has a thing for me or that he's just my best friend i wouldn't mind being with Rob it would be the same exact thing as this only better i guess you could say I was into Rob a tiny bit

I woke up in the morning Rob was putting his clothes on he looked like he'd just got out of the shower which he probably did he was so vain sometimes he stood their staring at himself in the mirror spraying Cologne all over his body making me gag I got up getting in the shower too when I got our drying my hair Rob was sitting on his phone on my bed

"Where you going today" I said

"We're gonna head to Disneyland your coming too" he said

"Nah I'm just gonna stay home today" I said

"NOO come with us please" he whined


"Uhh ahh err" Rob started throwing a tantrum

"Robert stop it" I said laughing while I curled my hair

"Are you coming with us" he said his face lighting up

"Still no Rob" I said grabbing my shoes

"I'm just going to get some coffee wanna come" I asked and he agreed

We got outside and it was beautiful out to go to Disney but I didn't feel like waiting in lines and what not so I was just gonna stay at home when we got to Starbucks their was a big line as usual getting to the front me and Rob ordered the boy was really cute his name was nick he had the cutest eyes they were a light blue mixed with dark green and his hair was a cute messy wet look it was dirty blonde but he dyed it his roots were dark brown and his smile lit up the room I assume he saw me staring and drooling over him because he put his number on the back of the receipt

"Call me soon 401-231-4468 ~Nick"
I would definitely be calling him

Me and Rob left the store walking back home because he was leaving soon when we got back everyone was lying around waiting for Rob to get their as they were leaving I pulled Rob aside

"Why isn't austin coming"

"That's exactly why I want you to come I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone with him but I have to go" he said

"No go go I'll be fine don't worry"

"Are you sure"

"Goo" I said pushing him out know it was just me and Austin and I'm gonna tell you it's awkward especially what happened the night before with him austin was sitting like the king he thought he was on the couch with his feet on the coffee table I went outside to take a swim in the pool I pulled my shirt off tossing it aside and jumped in the pool I saw a figure staring down at me he tossed his shoes aside and emptied his pockets out pulling his shirt off he jumped in the pool beside me and that's only when I realized it was austin I went to get out but he grabbed the back of my bathing suit bottoms pulling me back in or they would have came off he then grabbed my sides pulling me into him his dick pressed against my ass I tried to get away but he was holding me tight and it's hard when your feet don't touch the bottom I did the only thing I thought would work I went underwater but he came with me I tried swimming away but he had a pretty good grip on me we were facing each other the water was dripping off of his curls running down his toned abs

"Let's play" he said

"No austin" I said trying to get free again staying alone with him wasn't a good idea and he was definitely not sick he was perfectly fine to me I got away because it was slippery I grabbed my towel running inside luckily austin wasn't behind me he was still swimming around I searched for my phone to text Rob but I couldn't find it

"Forgetting something" austin said holding my phone up while he had a towel around his neck

"Yes" I said

"Take it" he said putting it down I walked over hesitantly but grabbed it Up the stairs I went texting Rob

"Who you texting" austin said breathing on my neck

"None of your business" I said pushing him

"Don't push me hun" he said grabbing my wrist

"Don't touch me austin" I said running into my room i went into the bathroom undressing to take a shower I hated the chlorine on my body when I was finally done I got out grabbing the towel drying off when I saw a figure in the mirror

"Austin what the fuck why are you watching me get dressed" I said

"Nothing I ain't seen before" he smirked

"And nothing your gonna see" I said walking to my room as he followed I got a text back from Rob finally

"Austin's bed ridden he shouldn't bother you today I have to put my phone away I'll talk to you later on💙"

Yea so bed ridden

I dropped my towel knowing austin was watching I was doing it on purpose

"Don't do that honey unless we're gonna fuck I hate when you give me blue balls" he said since when does he cuss I continued to pull clothes on when he appeared next to me attaching his lips to my neck but I pushed him off

"Kiss Me" he said looking at me

"No" he did it anyway he smacked his face to mine holding my head so I couldn't pull away

"What the fuck Austin look get this straight I am NOT having sex with you anymore" I said walking away

"Don't fucking walk out on me" he said grabbing my arms pushing me against my closet I gave him a good slap to the face he looked at me for a second his eyes raging with flames before he gave me a just as good slap to the face before he left the room I felt sleepy suddenly so I took a nap

I woke up in my bed it was late but everyone wouldn't be back until late this morning my door opened and austin was their he locked it i got an uneasy feeling in my stomach I didn't like it

"Your afraid to be alone with me aren't you" austin said

"Yes your a fricken physco" I said he ran up to the bed hovering over me he brushed my hair behind my ear he stood up a little so he was on his knees his hands traveled to the button and then zipper on his jeans he pulled them down a little so his boxers were showing he then straddled me pulling my shorts below his jeans I was scared of him he began being gentle kissing me slowly pulling my shirt off along with his down came his boxers which made me feel weird for some reason but his lips were so craving the way he kissed was indescribable it put you in this state of mind but I came back to my senses

"No Austin stop it" he pushed me down on the bed holding me their

"I want sex I want it with you" he growled

"No get it somewhere else" I said pulling away but it didn't work he was too strong

"Why are you so afraid of me" Austin said

"Why because of this your holding me down trying to force me to have sex with you this isn't you austin your not my prince"

Austin got off of me pulling his pants on he stood against the wall with his head on it he was thinking

"I just want sex with you" Austin admitted

"You don't have to rape Me"

"Rape you that's what you thought I was going to do" austin said looking at me

"That's what you were trying to do"

Austin slowly walked back over to me staring at me he made me stand up the. He put me against the wall for some reason he felt like he had such power on the wall

"I wouldn't rape you but I would make you have sex with me" Austin said

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