Sea Of A Thousand Kisses

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we got outside hand in hand to his car his beautiful black tinted camaro he walked over opening the door for me what a gentlemen i thought his car was very nice black leather seats and a booming stereo he grabbed his sunglasses from the dashboard covering his beautiful eyes i looked out the windows of the car seeing all the people walk by i thought it was so cool that they couldn't see us ive never been inside a tinted windowed car before so it was new to me we pulled onto the highway and he cranked up the tunes

we pulled in front of Vasuvios which is one of the nicest and most expensive restaurant in miami he couldn't be taking me here its way to expensive he shut the car off getting out but i grabbed his arm and he looked at me through those sunglasses sighing i took them off him placing them back on the dashboard fixing his beautiful blonde strand that hung down in his face

"you can't be taking me here its way too expensive" i said

"ash are you worried about the money" he waited for a response "because i have money to take you out ashley don't worry" he said getting out of the car opening my door again for me grabbing my hand as we walked in

"hi may i help you" the nice girl said behind the counter

"yes reservation for Myers" he said leaning on the podium looking around

"right this way" she said grabbing two menus taking us to the way back of the room we sat at a table far away from everyone which was very nice i scanned the menu for something that i wanted i didn't want to get anything expensive so i was gonna wait to see what he ordered

"what can i get for you today?" the waiter said

"could i have the baked lobster" he said placing his menu down looking at me

"uhh" i scanned the menu really quick for something cheap

"she'll have the same" he said smiling handing our menus in

"no colt thats to expensive"

"no stop its fine please" he begged grabbing my hands

after three hours of movies i was getting really bored and just plain didn't want to be in her place no more i wanted to go home because i felt like shit she went out with another guy especially colt he seemed to make her so happy which pissed me off because i don't think she was ever that happy with me the only time we were both really happy together was when we were in vegas after the whole incident when we were on the plane together we only had a couple of good moments in the whole time we've been together i was putting my jacket on getting ready to go and zach soon followed behind me when i opened the door i wasn't happy to be leaving anymore colt was hugging her against the wall she was laughing at him

Zach gave me a sympathetic look ill admit I wanted to cry yes Zach Cleared his throat making her look over to me

"Oh hi" she said "hey Austin" colt said dropping his hands to her waist I swallowed she looked down at the movie SHES been wanting to see and gave me a funny look dylan seemed to have noticed

"Thanks austin by the way" she said grabbing it out of my hand swinging it around "im gonna enjoy this esa sousand sisses she turned it upside right slapping the case sea of a thousand kisses sea of a thousand kisses yes I've been wanting to see this" I chuckled a little but still nervous Ashely ran over grabbing it

"Omg I've been wanting to see this too" ashley said hufgging dylan "will you watch it with me?"

"Oh yes of course" dyaln said hugging her giving me a death glare colt came over pulling her back giving her a kiss before he left with us

"Sooo the movie" she asked me I felt so bad because I knew austin really really liked her and im not to sure about colt theirs something bad about him

The next day in English I didn't feel a stare on me I turned around and austin wasn't their with his feet up and a pencil running across his lips I looked around seeing him far away from me

"Your all dismissed know" the teacher said I collected my things picking my bag up quick he was trying to get out quick but lucky for me their were slow people I. Front of him

"What the hell is wrong with you" I said to austin

"What do you mean nothing's wrong"

"I get your upset we can't have sex anymore but do you not get what we've been through the last 8 years we were best friends austin your seriously gonna throw that all away just because I have a boyfriend who actually treats me right" he turned around so quick

"Treat you right ashley are you out of your fucking mind he's such an asshole he's been wanting in your pants since I've been with you who came home crying at my bed about colt about him having sex with you hm remember he faked the drunk act he was drinking water the whole time just to fuck you he Dosent love you at all don't you get that your stupid ashley stop falling for every guy who says they love you because they dam well don't" tears started in my eyes remembering the nights

"Do you really think he's gonna be their for you who's been their for you the last 8 years me I've been their I've been your best friend and then you shut me off the day I go to rehab you don't wanna be with me anymore you make me nuts really crazy you get in my head and control me that's because I'm madly in love with you but fuck you were done"

"You know what im not gonna be fucking you anymore do you get that"

"Oh that's alright you were just a piece of ass for me to hit"

"Why aren't you protecting me your being such and ass"

"You don't need me no more you have colt don't you see that"

I slammed the door to the condo shut
"I fucking hate him so much he can go fuck himself"

"Who ash austin?" She said looking confused

"Yes him he's such a Fucking fuck you should have heard what he said he's so mean OMG dylan"

"Sit down ash chill" she soothed " wha did he say" she asked

"You name it he said it he went from we were never friends who has been their for you for 8 years who's getting fucked over know I was a piece of ass for him to hit and he said something about being madly in love with me but then turned it around saying fuck you he confuses the-"

"Ash calm down jeez you don't believe him he's in love with you ashley"

"No he's not OMG he's obviously not he would t have said those things" she shot up from the bed

"His guard is up because your making out with colt in front of him"

"You said you liked him"

"No ashley I said I'm glad your moving on and yes it was good at first but when I saw him last night it tore me apart that movie wasn't for me I have no clue what that is first of all it was for you he wanted to watch it with you he came over here for you" she yelled and I actually belibed her she's right she dosent know a single thing around crappy romance movies that was always me and austins thing fuck

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