Remnants of despair

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Author: The arc ended last chapter and oh god damn that was tough for me.

(Y/N): Jesus fucking Christ what the hell was that arc?

Mystery: I don't know I'm looking at jojo references.

Undertale (Y/N): A arc has been finished though.

Tokyo revengers (Y/N): Well aren't that right fucking shitty.

Fnaf (Y/N): My story is the hardest to write for many reasons.

Author: Why yes it is.

Logan (Y/N): I'm the only story actually finished.

The (Y/N)'s then started arguing and doing bullshit.

The author tries to stop them.

Mystery: Chapter starts now.

I am smothered by hugs while I'm drinking my water.

(Y/N): So what's wrong kids?

All the kids are hugging me and holding a part of my body either my legs or arms.

Masaru: We're not gonna let you go.

Nagisa: Your not leaving us again.

(Y/N): Ok but I still need to do my work.

Monaca: Mmm we don't want you to leave.

(Y/N): Well let's get you all to your rooms it's close to your bed time.

Kotoko: I don't want to go to bed!

(Y/N): Well you either go to bed now or eat unpeeled nuts for a week.

Kotoko: You wouldn't.

(Y/N): I would unless you go to your room and go to sleep.

Kotoko makes a pouty face.

Kotoko: Fine...

I take the kids to bed.

Nagisa: Goodnight dad...

I smile.

(Y/N): Goodnight kids.

I then leave them so they can sleep.

I head to where Junko is which is basically the old mastermind room just repainted, reorganized and redecorated.

I go inside as I then look around seeing Junko, Mukuro and Celeste on the computer looking at images and videos.

I look at one of the screens as a bunch of Monokuma heads that people wear as they also wear a trench coat and a top hat holding a Thompson gun.

I also see a smaller guy with a top hat and a trench coat as he wears a lookalike but not fully like my own mask but the difference is that his doesn't have a facial expressions and isn't lit up. He is smiling as his people start shooting at others that are in pain.

Next to him is a Women taller than him with white hair and glasses as she holds a sword striking my Izubot she also has a look alike of my mask but only the mouth part.

I look to another screen and see a fit girl with an angry look, She wore a tattered white vest with ripped sleeves and hem her stomach and six pack are visible. A long kusari-fundo style chain wrapped around her right forearm she is stomping on a person as they scream in agony screaming for help.

On another screen a big and strong looking man that wears a white jacket with golden patterns. He is holding someone against a wall and punching them repeatedly as the person keeps trying to punch him to get away with tears in their eyes. The man has a smile on his face as his fists are bloody.

Another screen shows a girl wearing a a white, short-sleeved, collarless t-shirt with a pair of denim shorts and thigh-high socks of a dark color. equipped with a black photography satchel that is hung around her body. She is taking pictures of another women who's face seems to be torn off as her leg seemed to be ripped open. (Basically her leg's flesh was torn to the side showing the inside of it and the bones of the leg.) The girl taking pictures also wear a mask like mine but for her eyes and it's not lit up.

On another screen at a castle, a lady is shown wearing, a white sleeveless puffy ballgown with layers of ruffles. The gown is decorated with large black cloth roses that wrap around the skirt, plus a single rose at her right shoulder. She wears long white gloves, a red-jeweled necklace, and a tall, spiked crown. Part of her hair is styled in a tall beehive, the rest left to flow down. She wears a mask a whole lot like mine but puts it to the side of her head and it's not lit up. She appears to be doing a rally of some kind as the people cheer but if you look close enough you can see a man screaming with a little girl and a little boy near him but being held also being held as a man in a Monokuma mask. The man screams as we can now see a spike like weapon impaled into him being pushed in more As he can't move away or take it out. One of the Monokuma masked men then light the spike thing on fire as it slowly go to the bleeding male as it starts to set him on fire also.

I look away and to another screen there is a girl with her hair free her hair is accessorized with kanzashi ornament in her hair as she also has a miniature version of my mask in her hair as well. She also wears a long white kimono patterned with yellow, with a dark olive green tomoeri. She wore a bright orange obi sash, hakama pants beneath her kimono, and traditional wooden okobo clogs. The girl is still dancing a traditional dance as she also wears a mask lookalike but like the others it's not lit up she is next to another girl as she is playing on a guitar aggressively.

The other girl is wearing black clothing and has a spiked collar and more piercings. She also wears a lookalike mask as well but on her eyes. She is shredding the guitar like god damn I don't think you can do better then that.

On another screen I see a guy with a yellow jumper, as well as black gloves. He also has a utility belt that is holding my mask lookalike. He is fixing a car with a machine gun at the top as many Monokuma heads people give him tools.

In another screen a short man with a big body, he has red clothes, along with a larger red chef's hat. He also has a red scarf around his neck and kitchen tools around his back. He wears my lookalike mask as well. He is seen cooking a arm as a women is screaming with one of her arms seemingly cut off.

On another screen there is a big bodied man that is dressed up as Byakuya as he wears, night vision goggles that shone red light from within with my lookalike mask on his mouth. He is running through bullets.

On another screen there is a guy wearing a type of straitjacket underneath a large jacket with a fluffy white collar. His face has more tattoos, including a scar-like tattoo on his right cheek and an obscure symbol on his forehead.his eyes are closed as animals surround him with a snake on him. The animals start trampling and killing anyone on sight.

On four other screens they all say unknown location for gamer, luck, scholar and nurse.

All the screens show are my classmates the ones I loved and had friendships with they are now despair and now it's up to me, the readers and my allies to change them back.

(Y/N): Celeste contact Future Foundation tell them to start operation hope.

Celeste: Ok, (Y/N) let's play poker later.

(Y/N): Bet.

Despair will die I will save my classmates and class 79.

Class 79 is on a screen in a sleeping chamber of sorts as all the chambers bare a symbol of the web of hope.

This is going to end despair once and for all.

Author: Done we introduce to a new arc.

(Y/N): What arc?

Author: Danganronpa 2 bitches.

Mystery: Better look for a transcript then.

Author: Shit.

All the (Y/N) laugh at the Author who is sulking in a corner.

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