A secret

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"ok, so let me get this straight." Wren said

"Once tommy came in the building the egg cracked, and you think he's [Redacted]" 

"umm yes?" Drista replied,

"Listen, it would make sense," Drista started,

“The kid came exactly 10 years after you know who disappeared/ got kidnapped, and he looks exactly like [redacted], we could just ask if he knew Dream.” Drista ended.

“You're right, but let’s do it later, we’re making progress with his abilities and we need him to trust us” I said.

Drista was right Tommy looks the same as [Redacted], I have a bad feeling about this.

“Next full moon” I said, “we’ll tell him next moon”

“Ok. I think he went to the store so you can train him after” Drista said leaving the room.

I left minutes after going to my room.

It’s like they said:

No one can disappear

When they have the Void watching over them.


“Thanks for coming with me,'' Tommy mumbled to Void as he was passing by people on the road.

“No problem, It’s not like I have anything better to do,” Void replied.

Tommy was given a key card yesterday so now he could come and leave when he wanted, the only catch is that he had to tell someone.

He didn’t really mind.

“Where are we going again?” Void asked.

“I think it was called a supermarket” Tommy said in a surprised voice

“Cut it, I know what a supermarket is” Void huffed, Tommy laughing a little.

“It should be around-” Tommy cut off after they turned the corner.

“What is it?!” Void asked, coming to a stop next to Tommy.

Siren was standing outside the supermarket ordering the cops around.

“Oh great” Void whispered even though no one could hear them

“Tommy put your hood on and let’s go somewhere else instead” Void said, the vine tightening around his wrist.

Tommy did just that except when he turned around with his hoodie up a hand got placed on his shoulder.


“Hey kid, where are your parents?” Siren asked but Tommy knew him as his brother,


“Um I was just going to get milk but it seems that the market is busy” Tommy said flipping the switch on his voice changer.

Wilbur pulled his hand away saying “sorry would you need me to direct you somewhere else?”

“No, I'm fine,” Tommy said, turning the corner and walking away.

He could still feel eyes on him though,

“Void,” he asked, “can you check if he’s following me?”

“Mhm” they replied, disappearing the vine still staying close.

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