Family Time

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I finished Surveillance's scythe and put it on an extra table for later. I then looked over to a shielded case in the corner of the room, my weapon case. I walked up to it, making sure not to step on any tech on my way, and placed my hand up to the shield. The shield turned green and then disappeared revealing A bow, quiver, knives, and a sword all with max enchantments. I picked up the Bow and quiver slinging them over my shoulder, might as well practice if I'm going back on the field. I walked back over to my desk and opened the drawer to my stuff and grabbed my bag . It was black with little charms, a Crown, A feather, A Disk, and a guitar, they represent my family. I slid my card through the scanner of the door and locked it on my way out.

The ride down the elevator was quiet, just the tapping of my phone screen while I texted Phil that I was coming home. The Elevator stopped and the doors opened. I walked out to see the receptionist and Surveillance chatting casually. "Hello!" Surveillance greeted me when I came over. "Hi!" I replied waving. "Are you leaving for the day?" the receptionist asked and I nodded and held out my card. They took it and scanned it, giving it back to me. "I'll see you soon!" I said to the both of them while I left through the door.

The sky was dark and the city lights had turned on, everything sparkled but none of the stars were out tonight. I took the short walk out to the train station and got a few looks for having a bow and quiver, but it's not the worst thing I've bought on a train, I mean it. The train started moving and I put my earbuds in while playing my playlist.

The train stopped and I got off, walking in the direction towards home. I've lived in this neighborhood for about 18 months. 7 months ago I got the internship, 9 months ago I was adopted by Phil and A year ago Tommy came and was adopted. I'm 17, Tommy's 16, Wil's 19, and tech's 19 but on the verge of 20. And if a stranger asks where my parents are, I say they died but the truth is I have no idea where they've gone.

I was on the front doorstep trying to find my keys when there was shouting inside.




"We need to tell them!" I yelled at Phil, I was frustrated with keeping this from Ace when they worked so close to the heroes. It could be dangerous for them, and I knew I had Wil and tech on my side. "We can't" Phil said he was trying to stay calm and Tommy knew it.

There was a knock on the door that sounded like how Ace knocks, damnit.




Wil opened the door and I came inside, hanging up my bag and putting my earbuds in their case. "So how was everyone's day?" I asked Looking at Techno who was on the couch, he seemed to take the hint and responded "Good, dinner's almost done if you want to go to your room" I nodded and started walking to the hallway when I stopped, If they were having a fight, which they almost never do, I might as well be annoying because I could.

I patted techno on the head and then ran to my room and slammed the door. There was a loud banging noise and then running down the hall. I heard Wilbur, Tommy and Phil laughing. There was a knock on my door and techno tried to shove it open. "Nope you're not winning this time" He said, pushing the door open and grabbing me by the shoulder. He dragged me out to the living room and patted me on the head. "I hate you" I huffed as he let me go, "No you don't" he started taking his place back on the couch.

I Sat next to Tommy who was playing animal crossing on his switch, we both used his island because it was easier to get bells that way. Minutes later Phil called out that dinner was ready and we all took our places at the table. We were having pasta night so there was garlic bread and meatballs on the table with each of our preferred pasta. By that I mean me and Tommy have parmesan pasta and Phil, Techno, and Wilbur have normal pasta and tomato sauce.

As we were eating I made a mistake and let it slip that i was able to go back on the field

"Oh, ya! Dream said I could go back out!"


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