A new beginning, or is this the first part?

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I worked on my recent project for some hours and looked at the time again,

7:00 Am

A pretty good time to start your day so I closed my computer hearing the soft chime that it powered down. Putting my computer on my nightstand I swinged my legs off my bed hitting the hardwood floor.

I got up, whipping the tiredness from my eyes and padded to my closet, sliding the doors open. I grabbed A black button up and a pair of my rainbow shorts, I then turned to my dresser grabbing a tank top and getting whatever else I needed.


I opened the door to the bathroom, fully dressed and went back to my room.

I grabbed my necklaces and bracelets off my desk sliding them over my head and my wrists, I then grabbed my phone and took my watch off their chargers. I put my phone in my pocket and strapped my watch around my wrist.

I went to my door but as I was about to cross the threshold I remembered I needed my gloves so I turned around and grabbed those off my nightstand, now on my way out of my room and into the hallway I grabbed my Dream journal to show my dad and brothers.


"And good morning to you," Techno said as I entered the kitchen. He was sitting on the counter supervising Tommy as he tried to make pancakes. Techno or Technoblade was Phil's first adopted son. He had on a blood red hoodie and black cargo pants with the golden crown he wore with pride.

"Morning," I said, Sitting down at the table grabbing my pencil from behind my ear and opening my dream book. "You had another dream?" Tommy asked, stopping his whisking to look at my journal. Tommy was Phil's fourth adopted son, and the youngest. Tommy was wearing one of his signature red and white tee-shirts with beige pants that were rolled up right above his calf, and a Green bandana around his neck that Tubbo had given him.

"Ye, Thankfully it ended last night but that was the worst I've had in awhile, it felt so real." I said writing the ending and the notes that I had on the dream. Techno looked at me worried "Do I need to set up A session with Puffy?" Puffy was my occupational therapist for as long as I can remember.

"No, I think it's ok" I replied closing the book again "I'll talk with her at my next session, also where is Wilbur?" I just noticed that Wilbur wasn't here. He normally gets up later but not this late.

"He went to go get coffee" Techno said simply going to get the milk from the fridge for Tommy. "Don't worry he isn't getting you caffeine, I told him to get you a smoothie and Tommy chocolate milk so you guys aren't jumping off the walls" Techno Deadpanned.

Just as Techno Finished that sentence the front door burst open and a very tired looking Wilbur came through the door "good morning" he stated before putting all the drinks on the counter. Wilbur was Phil's second adopted son, He had on a yellow woven sweater and black jeans with a black beanie on top from Phil.

Wilbur handed me my smoothie and I took a drink when he let go, I looked at him "how did you know I wanted a mango one?" I questioned. "You always get it idiot" Wilbur rolled his eyes. "I'm not an idiot!" I exclaimed but Wilbur was already moving to give techno his drink.

"And A cup as dark as your soul Techno" Wilbur said with a knowing smirk on his face handing Techno a cup of milk that had somewhere between 4 to 7 espresso shots laced into it. "You're lucky your my brother Wilbur or I would rip your head clean off your shoulders" Techno said, grabbing the cup and getting up to properly make himself a cup of coffee.

"I bet you would!" Wilbur Called after Techno. "So how are you?" Wilbur asked, turning to me. "Pretty good" I responded, taking out my phone after it buzzed in my back pocket. "That's good" Wilbur laid his head on the table and looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

I opened my inbox to see an Email from Sam asking if I could come into the tower today. I didn't have any other plans for today so I got up and grabbed my bag by the door. "Do you have to go to work?" Wilbur asked, getting up from the table. "Ya Sam called me in" I said, putting my shoes on. "You just got better from the thing though" Wilbur said, taking a step closer. "Ya I get that Wil and if I was any other person we know I would be six feet under, but I'm here and I'm fine." Wilbur sighed, sitting back down and eying the bandages on my hand. "Fine go, text me or Phil if you need anything!" Wilbur called out as I left the house.

I Walked down the sidewalk to the train station. I had to take the train on some days because Phil wasn't here and the hero's tower was on the other side of town. After getting on the Train I checked my watch to see who was at the tower currently. Two green dots popped up, one being Sam's, and the other being Dreams. God I hated Dream he says that everything is humane but I barely believe I'm doing the right thing, the Hero's committee tells us to aim to incapacitate, but I wouldn't put it past them if a villain got killed by a hero's hands.

The train stopped and I got off, heading for the stairs I saw a new T.V. On the wall, it looked like an ad about some new techwear brand had just come out. It sounded interesting but I needed to get to the tower or Sam was gonna yell at me. I stepped into the bright light of town square and shielded my eyes. The busy air and the noise of the town square was never a great experience especially for a person like Ace.

They quickly hurried to the heroes tower, which wasn't far away. Once they opened the doors they got blasted with cold air it almost made them shiver, but instead they jerked their head to the side in a tic. They stepped up to the front desk greeting the attendant and giving her their card. Steps came up behind Ace and they whipped their heads around to see who it was. Oh great Dream.

"Hello Aspen" Dream greeted, the beady eyes of his mask looking down on me. "Hello" I echoed, grabbing my card back from the front desk lady when she held it out for me. "How are-" Dream started saying but I cut him off knowing he was never this nice to me. Dream never saw the reason for Sam to have an assistant. "What do you want Dream?" I questioned raising one of my eyebrows.

"Wow, don't need to get so hostile," Dream said, taking a step back. "Well if you don't need anything I'll just be going" I walked past him and saw out of the corner of my eye how he was going to come after me, he didn't which made my chest untighten a little. Talking to that man was like Telling a person you loved them. The elevator dinged, notifying Ace that they were on the right level to get off.

Exiting the Elevator they heard a twin set of voices coming from Sam's lab. Ace put their card through the swiper and the door clicked open. "Hey Sam! What did you need?" I called as I walked into the room. Looking at the two figures in the room one obviously being Sam, the other being a kid that couldn't be over Ace's age. The kid had Blond hair with rainbow streaks, and a mask that covered half of their face.

"Hey Ace, this is your new partner, Surveillance!"


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