The Mistakes

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Things aren't always what they seem~


"What?!?" Dream said and the world around the two started glitching, turning.

"See you made too many mistakes this time around, I'm done with your mind games" Wren yelled.

Why does this feel wrong? I'm Wren White. But am i?

"I have no idea what you're talking about" Dream said Shrugging and taking a step forward, Wren flinched back. The dark space around them glitched again.

"No, No! You do. You and your gang put me here!" Wren shouted but it sounded more like pleading, pleading for an outside force to tell them what's going on, to Help them.

"Ya sure, but tell me this, who's Tommy?" Dream questioned. It sounded like he wanted a specific answer but Wren didn't have it. Wren would not remember.

"Who... Who is... Tommy?" Wren asked not having the slightest idea who that could be. They feel like they've heard this name before, in distant conversation.

A conversation that wasn't real

"Hmm" Dream said, and then started to laugh "you really don't remember?"

Wren fell to their knees, the space around them Fading to complete black with stars dotting everywhere.



God dammit Ace Remember who you are

This is a Dream

They can't hurt you

None of them can

And they never could

That's what broke it, and that's what ended it.

That's what just ended the Dream that Ace has been being tormented with for days,

The most confusing of them,

The black then faded and Ace shot up in their bed sweat drenching their back,

This other world

This other Ace

Wasn't REAL

But then why did Ace feel like it all happened.

Ace reached across their bed to find their book and a pencil,

With soft feet they tip-toed to the bathroom,

Getting inside and turning on the light Ace looked at themself.

Still the same Ace that went to bed last night,

The same scar over their eye leaving it clouded over but still useable,

The same half purple half black short curly hair,

The same book,

The same Ace.

And so they wrote the dream they had in their book,

They didn't want to forget this one,

They wouldn't forget this one.

Ace turned off the light and went back to their room, opening their computer and it said 4:00 Am.

They could stay up now, Dreams were too scary right now, and so they got to work on their latest project.


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