A family of blood

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“Wren?” Tubbo asked, poking his head into the training room where the wolf said they were.

“Ya Tubbo?” Wren said, dodging a hit from Drista.

“Can you and Drista come to the basement for a sec?”.

Wren and Drista looked between themselves and then took their sparring gloves off

“Ya why not” Wren shrugged.


And that's how Wren, Drista, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were sitting in a circle on the floor of the basement.

The air seemed tense with Tommy fidgeting with his hands, Ranboo shifting from side to side, and Tubbo spacing out multiple times.

“So uhh why did you need us down here?” Drista asked cutting into the silence,

“Tommy has something to say,” Tubbo said looking at his friend.

“Uhh..well…umm…I think I might be Wren’s brother” Tommy said, wincing as his voice cracked at the end.

“Oh!” Wren said, looking surprised.

“How did you find out” Drista asked a gentle look on their face,

“I’ll have to tell you my past for it to make sense-” Tommy replied looking into his lap, Tubbo could tell he didn’t want to talk about it, since-.

“No need, no need,” Wren said, looking right at Tommy.

“I’m guessing you dislike needles so that's out of the picture but there is one other way…” Wren said standing up, reaching her hand out to Tommy.

Tommy took it standing up next to them.

“You're not thinking of using the Void?” Drista asked raising an eyebrow,

“Not like we have a choice.” Wren shrugged looking drista in the eyes.

“I’ll pull you out in 5 minutes. Ok?” Ranboo said, knowing that the Void is a dangerous place.

“Got it.” Wren said, turning to Tommy “ok so this might feel weird, but uhh hold on until I tell you to let go, ok?”

“Ok” Tommy said, closing his Eyes shut, out of Memory? He didn’t know.


And then he felt like he was falling

He could feel Wren’s hand next to him but he could see no light behind his eyelids.

And just as fast as the feeling came it was gone

He could feel he was standing on something, Something hard.

“You can open your eyes now” Wren Giggled.

Opening his eyes he was nothing short of amassed,

There were stars everywhere,It looked like he was in the middle of space, the stars going on forever.

“This is the void, it is as amazing as it is deadly” Wren explained “so you have to listen to everything I say ok?”

“Mhm” Tommy replied still mesmerized by the stars and the void itself

“You might fall” a voice said

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