The storm is here

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If I told you things would escalate so quickly I would be lying because they escalated over time

They bit us up on the inside before it all came crashing down

Because this is a game to them

This is a fork in the road that has a clear sign of where to go and what's the safest route

Because the heroes have it all 

And everyone else gets the scraps

Now I wouldn’t call myself a villain but when things get messy I am in no hesitance to do what needs to be done

So what happens when two of my best friends get captured

I guess i’m a villain 

So this is where it started

How the heroes association moved me and my friends from the ‘vigilante’ list to the ‘villains’ list.


“You can’t just go kidnapping random people!!!” I yelled at the Angel of Death

When Me, Tempest, Spectral, Yellow jacket, and Ender got to the hero’s tower we were taken to a separate room with soundproof walls. It’s almost like they knew we would yell.

“I didn’t kidnap them” The Angel said in a monotonous voice that was most definitely dripping with annoyance, with annoyance of why we were here or how could most definitely be one of the answers.

“Oh ya so when the heroes do it their all high and mighty, but when anyone else does it, it’s considered treason” I said folding my arms across my chest with Tempest next to me and Ender, Yellow jacket, and Spectral behind us

“That’s not what I mean” the Angel said clearly not having any of this.

“So then what do you mean?” Tempest said, taking a threatening step forward.

“I took them in for questioning,” he said looking down at Tempest “you know who I am, and you know what I want.” He added.

“And we told you what he told us!” I spoke up again

As the Angel was high on the list of heroes he also had many blind spots. Like his fellow heroes' Siren and the Blade. But what most people don’t know is that the Angel has a son, a weakness, and he thought that Tommy, this bright, loud kid, was powerless, was something to be pushed aside. Wyvern could tell that the Angel loved him and that Tommy taking on the codename spectral loved him back. But he also liked, or heck even loved his family with the wither cult. And Wyvern, Wyvern just wants what Tommy wants. Whether Tommy wants to leave the wither cult, stay, or have both lives, it’s completely up to him.

So this is why what comes next doesn't fase Wyvern.

“Phil just let them speak!!” Tommy yelled, who was now in the front of the group, looking mighty pissed Wyvern may add.

“What did you just say?” the Angel asked, taking a step closer to Spectral who in turn took a step back.

“Wyvern? Tempest? Is it ok to tell him?” Tommy asked looking to Wren and then to Drista,

“All up to you kid” Wyvern said, putting a hand on Tommy’s head, the boy leaning into the touch but then pulling back, remembering that the Angel was here.

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