(Prologue) Once Upon A Time

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**Hey lovelies, I hope you're enjoying yourselves in this cruel world. This story was on my mind for the longest time. I had writer's block on one of my previous ones so I'm trying this one out. I hope you like it so far and I'll try and keep up with the updates. As always, feel free to comment and leave feedback, but be respectful. Enjoy!**

Once upon a time, in the faraway kingdom of Lucktov, lived a king named Florian. He was kind-hearted, noble, and cared greatly for his people. His queen, Nephtalys, was beyond beautiful and shared the quality of the king. They reigned in peace and prosperity for a long time, guiding the people with justice and devotion.

Life was good in Lucktov. The forests were brimming with wildlife, and huntsmen's chants of happiness filled the woods after a great hunt. The fields were abundant in golden grains, and cattle ate fresh green grass from the endless pastures.

Then came the royal baby, a boy, Prince Rohan. He was the joy and cause of endless celebration as the new heir to the Lucktovian Throne. A Ball was held primarily in his honor, and all were invited.

The magnificent castle soon filled with elegantly dressed people dancing to joyful music and feasting on a delicious dinner. The king, queen, and heir, seated on their golden thrones, admired the festivity while receiving gifts and praises, as well as wishes of long-lasting youth and happiness.

The queen looked to her husband with love. "Oh, Flory! Isn't today just going swimmingly? All those people, they are here to celebrate with us, to celebrate our baby boy."

"Yes, indeed, but it seems our little Rohan here is just preoccupied with his crown at this moment."

They both look down, and indeed, the baby was trying to pry the little golden crown off his forehead. He had this slight frown on his face that just melted his parents' hearts.

" Aww!" the queen cooed as she gathered her precious bundle into her arms while also signaling the already approaching servants not to bother. " One day," she says, holding him up to cuddle his face, " You will take our place and rule this beautiful kingdom."

His father joined in, " And when that day arrives, you will have your beloved by your side-"

But, before the kind had time to finish his sentence, an eerie silence ran through the ballroom, bringing their attention to what was happening. They startled as a mysterious figure, draped in a black cloak as dark as a starless night, walked through the room. Murmurs ran through the guests as the figure approached the thrones. Guards, on alert, quickly stood beside the king and especially near the queen to protect them.

" Who might you be, oh stranger, to have graced this place with your presence?" The king asked.

The mysterious cloaked man, who hadn't made any moves until the king spoke, pried off his hood to reveal his face. His skin was the color of ash, his eyes the color of ember, his head was void of hair, but he held a long beard that reached his belly. Underneath the cloak, he wore rags of different mismatched colors. And when he spoke, his voice had the texture of rolling sand.

" My name," he started, not breaking eye contact with the king," is Ruppard, and I come from a great distance to offer my gift to the new heir of the throne," he says this lat piece bowing, but still not breaking eye contact, this time, with the queen.

"How... gracious of you!" the queen responded, even though she was nervous by the man's presence, her good nature was ever so present " Our sincerest thank-"

The man Chuckled, cutting her off. " Oh, my queen, don't thank me yet, for you do not know if you will like my gift" He chuckled again, " But I assure you, you will remember it long after."

A scream is heard as a man suddenly was lifted off his feet, ten feet in the air, by a distorted shadow. He struggled and struggled, but it all stopped by the sickening crack of his neck, then he dropped lifelessly on the floor. The king looked to the man named Ruppard with fury in his eyes as he yelled for his guards, but he had disappeared, transformed into one of the many shadows that were now killing everyone in their path. Along with his guards, the king charged and managed to slash through the shadows, leaving them hissing and disappearing into nothing

" Florian!" at the scream of his name, the king turned to find his queen and his child up in the air. The queen and her child were separated as the king struggled to save them. With horror, king Florian watched as one of the shadows empaled his beloved with what looked like a blade.


Consumed by fury, the king slew the shadow holding his child in one fell swoop of his sword, saving him. But the queen was dead, and the responsible had gotten away.

Letting out a howl of fury and grief, the king vowed to destroy all that wield magic in his kingdom, down to the last one. Then he would watch with satisfaction as Ruppard's life left his body.

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