Chapter 3

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"We need to go after him!" One of the guards, who had been previously knocked off his feet and dragged away by one of the living vines, said in frustration. He wasn't injured, well, except for his pride.

" He's injured, my arrow slashed his side," Another one said, pride lacing his voice. Rohan, though he heard them, was frowning at the ground. They were all unscathed, despite Finn using his powers. He wanted to capture Finn, he was a mage, and that meant he was dangerous. The image of a glaring Finn flashed in his mind, it slightly bothered him to see Finn that angry. Then again, who wouldn't be angry in that situation?

"Make way for the king!"

King Florian rode atop his stallion, Timber, toward the group. He was wearing his royal armor and ancestral sword. The setting sun cast a golden light that reflected on him, the light breeze brushed his hair and made his cape flutter. Rohan would always appreciate how mighty his father was, and only hope to make the man proud.

" What's this I hear about a mage?!" He said, rushing to his son, worry clear in his eyes. Rohan couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed. "He didn't harm you did he?"

" No, father, I am well, and so is everybody else. The mage didn't harm us"

The king grunted " Good, I'm glad, but where is said mage?" He asked, sword ready to be used.

"Injured, your majesty," It was the guard who fired the arrow that spoke, Rohan couldn't hide his annoyance at the man, who was clearly trying to brag his favor to the king. " But he used his magic to escape, summoned living vines to help him up and over the wall." The king nodded, deep in thought.

" Then we need to find him. I say we depart tonight!" One of the guards announced and multiple heads bobbed in agreement. "But, where do we know to look?" Another asked "We don't know where he lives"

This time, the king spoke: " If the mage is indeed injured, then he will not go to his home" His voice was conniving, and strategic, he had every ear listening in seconds. "No, If he's injured, he will go somewhere he is sure that we will never find him." Rohan didn't need more explanation to know where his father's thoughts were going, and he shivered at the malice that laced his tone. "He will head for the Northerns woods, toward the Forgotten Valley."

" Then I say" Rohan started " That we wait until tomorrow to chase him"  the other guards let out grunts and grumbles of disapproval, even his father had a questioning glare in his eyes, but Rohan did not back down. " We are all visibly shaken by the discovery of a new and powerful mage inside our city wall. We should regroup, rest, and by early morning, we will be in pursuit."

His father smiled, and Rohan did not know what to make of it. " Ah! My son, ever the strategist!" He exclaimed, he looked at Rohan. " You will be in charge of the group that will hunt for the mage tomorrow. I will be attending several meetings with the Filorian court to discuss you and the princess's union. And what better way to show worth than bringing back the head of the mage?"

Rohan shuttered, His father was challenging him, but at the same time was helping him forge a sturdy reputation. But was it the type of exploit he wanted the people to know him for? Did he want to kill Finn? At once he felt all the weight of the world being dropped on his shoulder, but he would bear it, to make his father proud and keep the people safe. He had to Find Finn.

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