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"Are you okay?" Finn's savior asked, breathless. "Man! I've never had to lift two people at the same time. It's quite exhausting." She spoke with an accent that Finn did not recognize. Though many spoke the common tongue, there were other dialects depending on the part of the kingdom one was from.

Finn was still clutching the baby to his chest, making sure that he was still there. Not long ago, he feared that he and the baby would be parted. He would die, and the baby would've been handed over to so random family. But it wasn't going to happen now that they crossed the border. He could raise this child as his own, and that caused him to release a breath he didn't know he was holding.

A sudden shift to his right brought Finn back from his thoughts. He had forgotten Rohan for a second, absorbed by his feelings. Newfound panic surged into him as his gaze landed on Rohan who was only mere inches from his sword but did not pick it up. Instead, he looked at Finn strangely, almost wearily.

"Ummm, guys?" The stranger's voice rang out. Finn turned his attention to her but did not lose focus on Rohan.

"I'm sorry, I should thank you for your help," Finn said, bowing his head slightly, though it made the pain from his wound flare-up. he tried not to flinch as he gritted his teeth to bear the pain down. "My name is Finrael, but call me Finn,"

She smiled at him, "I'm Nesta. Are you a mage?" 

The question took Finn by surprise, but it wasn't like he was in major threat now that he was on the other side. The urge to glance at Rohan gnawed at him, but he bit it down. Shuffling from a nearby bush made Finn jump as two other figures emerged; Two men: One with olive skin, jet black hair, and mesmerizing dark eyes. The other had snow-white hair, pale skin, and icy grey eyes that Finn found tantalizing. They were different from one another, yet they were spitting images of each other.

"We were wondering where you went Nesta" The dark-haired one exclaimed, his voice was deep though soft. "We were worried sick that something had happened to you" The other spoke, his voice as melodic as the first twitter of birds at sunrise. Other mages, Finn thought, they were mages too.

Nesta rolled her eyes, " I heard a baby's cry near the border, so I rushed there to see if I could help," Now all of them looked down at Finn cradling the baby in his arms. he had one of his little hands up Finn's collar and the other played with his hair as he let out small bubbling sounds.

"Aww! Is he your child? he's so adorable!" Nesta exclaimed, reaching down to touch the baby. At that, Rohan's hand found his sword and he abruptly stood up, raising his weapon in defense. Nesta quickly back away with a glare, and the mage twins neared with matching expressions on their faces. Finn couldn't stand due to his now open wound that was starting to ooze blood again, though he had crawled a few feet away from Rohan, who now felt outnumbered.

"Who might you be, you don't look like any of us," the white twin remarked. Rohan went to speak but was silenced as Finn cut the words from his lips.

" He's Prince Rohan of Lucktov." barely a second after the words left his mouth, the wind around them suddenly picked up, ruffling Finn's hair. Nesta's hands were clenched into fists and her eyes seemed to shine a silvery-white. The temperature around Finn suddenly dropped before rising high in an instant. Finn looked at the twins and gasped; The dark-haired one's eyes glowed amber, like fire while his brother's glowed an icy blue, like a glacier.


Rohan froze in place as he watched the mages display their abilities. He knew his sword would do little to nothing to protect him. he was completely at the mercy of the mages. he was alone, defenseless, and surrounded. Was it what Finn Felt the two times he had been cornered by him and his guards? Did he feel the despair Rohan felt? Did sweat coat his brow and panic seized his breath? At this moment he realized how terrible it is to not feel safe somewhere, how at this side of the border his words held no power, no authority. he was no one here and if he died, his body would never be found and brought back home.

At that moment, Rohan knew what it exactly meant to be afraid.

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