Chapter 5

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Finn felt weird walking down into the dungeons, but there he was, on his way to free Rohan. After talking with the Princesses, Finn convinced them that Rohan was no threat, at least now that he was not in his territory he would behave.

The halls were dark and the air was damp. Finn had never been in a dungeon before, but he had this intuition that they were all the same everywhere, after all, who would keep their dungeons cozy for their dangerous prisoners. Rohan wasn't dangerous, Finn thought, at least not to him.

The guard leading him stopped and Finn almost bumped into him. 

"There he is" He announced and Finn craned his neck around to see Rohan seated on the floor that Finn was sure was not clean. "Make sure he causes no trouble because if he does he'll be put right back in.' the guard huffs and Rohan shot him a hard look.

"Got it" Finn chipped in and motioned for Rohan to follow him as the guard unlocks his cell.

"What happened? Why did they lock me up?" He asks after a long moment of roaming the dungeon halls. Finn had to ask the Princesses how big their dungeon was. But his mind also had been thinking of a response to Rohan's question, and he couldn't find any other than the honest truth.

"They don't trust you," Finn answered and Rohan stopped to think. Finn turned to look at him. he had this air about him that Finn could not help but notice. Rohan was like hard candy or at least half of one. He looked like a giant compared to Finn and looked stoic, but Finn could almost see the gentleness about him. it was that same gentleness Finn experienced when they met at the market. He longed for that side of Rohan, but every time he tried to see him that way, the angry Rohan flashed in his mind.

"Finn?" Rohan's voice brought him back from his thoughts.

"Hmm? Sorry, what did you say?" He asked a little sheepish.

"I asked if you trusted me"

Finn looked at him for a few seconds. Did he trust him? Rohan had chased him all this time to capture him, and he definitely hated mages, and Finn was a mage. Finn wanted to say no, but why was he here, getting Rohan out of a dungeon cell if he didn't at least feel something. maybe he didn't feel trust yet, but somehow Finn couldn't fathom the ideas of Rohan's discomfort.

"I don't know" Fin answered as he hugged himself. it was the truth.

"I see-" Rohan went to say but Finn cut him off.

"can we just get to the castle, it's dark and I don't feel comfortable being here."

At his words, Rohan nodded and they both made their way up and toward the magnificent castle. When they finally reached the guest floor, Finn stopped at a door. "This will be your room for the time being," then he pointed to a door right across, "And this is my room. The Princesses wanted me to keep an eye on you so they put us near each other,"

Finn turned to go to his room but Rohan's voice caught him in his tracks. "Finn?" he turned to look at him and there it was, the gentleness Rohan first showed him. "Good night," Rohan said and offered Finn a little smile that he returned. "Sleep well, Rohan" And with that, they both entered their respective rooms


Rohan couldn't sleep. No matter what he did, rest was not coming to his mind. he kept thinking about Finn, his eyes, how he smiled, and how that smile had somehow brightened Rohan's mood. he wanted to make him smile more, but Finn was edgy around him and he had to change that first. Not wanting to stay in bed longer he got dressed and decided to hand around on the balcony of their floor. it was all the way down the hall but something caught his attention and Rohan stopped to listen. Someone was already there, and they were singing softly. Rohan approached with careful steps, and the closer he got, the more he recognized the voice. it was Finn.

'Turn the light on fire, make it glow brighter'

'our love is on fire'

it was the sweetest melody he had ever heard and Rohan got closer until he could see Finn. at the sight of him, his heart skipped a beat. Finn was in a nightgown that flowed in the breeze, his hair was down and flowed behind him like silk. 

'Turn all the lights off, make me go higher'

'Put your hands on, put your hands on me'

Rohan was mesmerized at what else Finn was doing. His hands were cast in a soft silver glow and from them were emitted numerous tiny lights, like fireflies, but they moved as Finn waved his hands in the air and they all encased him, swirling around him softly. he looked like he was playing with the stars.

'Sing me a song of your love'

'make me fall, rise me up'

'and together, we'll glow brighter.'

"Beautiful," Rohan whispered, but he must have said it louder than he thought because Finn gasped and abruptly turned, and in doing so the lights disappeared, much to Rohan's dismay. It was the prettiest thing he'd ever seen and wondered if Finn would one day do it for him. One day, he hoped, but that day seemed far away from now.

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