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The same voice that so far had been instructing Finn for his spells spoke again, this time clearly.

'Twice spoken, twice heard. Chaos raging cannot stand the light. As the sun rises, as the moon shines, the stars are many, all in the same light. '

Finn thought over the words as the monster outside continued to charge relentlessly against the shield. His attention caught on the statue in the fountain, a glint catching his eyes. Like the princesses, the woman's crown held a symbol of her dominion. Azura was the sun, Mene was the moon. Then that means the woman represented something that had to do with the stars.

He slipped away from the others who were deep in a rushed conversation and approached the fountain. He was looking for anything that would give a hint of what he was looking for. Small scriptures lined the side of the pedestal the woman stood on.

"Galadrea" Finn read on as more words appeared as if magically conjured. "As many stars present in the sky, so shall the power that flows into the Windrose." The title was more confusing than the scripture itself. Who was the Windrose, and why was their powers tied to the stars.

Another tremor brought Finn back to reality. The monster was still ramming into the princesses' shield and Finn paled as the barrier cracked. They were running out of time. He desperately wanted to to something, his magic was buzzing under his skin, but he had no idea what do to. He hated feeling powerless.

"Uhh Finn? " Nesta called and Finn turned to see everyone looking at him, or rather behind him.  He turned, and let out a gasp of shock. The statue, which wasn't more than that, glowed gold and one of the woman's hands pointed at Finn directly.

"What happened?" Nesta asked slowly inching closer. She had a Placid mask on her face, but Finn could see the beads of nervous sweat forming on her forehead.

"I don't know" Finn answered honestly, " I just read the Scriptures that were on the side of the fountain." After he said it, the other mages seem to be even more surprised.

"Finn" Nesta called again, her voice a echo of worry. "No one had been able to read those, not even the princesses. Are you sure you-?" But her voice cut off as the beast successfully put another dent into the barrier. The princesses were pouring their power into a shield that wouldn't last long.

Behind Finn, the statue moved and the woman got down her pedestal. She walked with elegance as everyone backed away from her, everyone but Finn. He found in that moment he wasn't afraid of her. He walked to her like she'd called to him, and maybe she was. She still had an outstretched hand towards him.

Their palms touched and Finn shuddered and a rush filled him. His vision whited and soon, the woman's face came to his mind. It was the same woman who he saw in her dream that night in the forest, except, she wasn't holding a baby. Next to her stood a man.

No, not any man. Finn stood next to her, but this version of himself was different, more radiant. Behind him stretched a beautiful pair of golden wings, just like the woman's.

When she spoke, her voice was soft, so soft, like a caress on his mind. " Soon" she said, "Soon you will be faced with a choice, the same one I had to make. For now, take the knowledge I give you to save your friends."

And with that, she was gone, but she left a thousand thoughts overwhelm Finn's mind. He closed his eyes feeling every rush of words, visions, every ounce of knowledge that was given to him.

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