Chapter 6

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Finn watched in horror as more shadow beasts joined in they were massive and radiated power. Whoever summoned them was very powerful and was using that power for evil deeds, but to what end, Finn wondered.

He ran, Rohan and Ester by his side. The temperature around Ester dropped as he flung a tendril of ice towards the nearest monster. It shattered against it and the beast let out a roar as it focused on the group. It reared then launched itself forward.

Finn called to the buzz of power inside him and was surprised to feel the equivalent of an ocean responding. His power flowed through him like a wave until it reached his fingertips, waiting. A small voiced in his head whispered  'ad Somnum'. Raising and hand and aiming it at the monster he closed his eyes and repeated the words.

"Ad Somnum! "

The monster stopped mid charge, unable to move. Its eyes we're furious and darting every direction seemingly surprise of its lack of movement. It struggled and every time Finn felt the strain on his magic, like an invisible rope tugging at his power.

A group of Pyromancers and other mages took advantage and blasted the beast with spells. It was a spectacle of power and colors. The beast collapsed, but not before one made his way toward them.

"Hey! " a voice called. Finn turned to see the same red haired woman from earlier. "Can you do that again? That was some impressive magic. " Finn nodded, but in truth he had no idea. Beside him, Rohan had his sword in hand, ready to fight and protect Finn, or so he hoped.

"Yes" he answered, more confidently.

Turning to the other monster, he raised his hand and pronounced the same words. They had the same effect, but the tug on his power was more intense, and he struggled for breath as if he'd been running.

The second monster went down. Finn caught a breath and looked around him. Flames from the battle licked at some places, but the monsters had been defeated. Nesta made her way to them. She looked angry and tired.

"Finn, what are you doing? I told bother of you to stay inside where it's safe! "

"I couldn't just stand by and not help, I'm a mage too, and this problem is now mine as well, so I'm fighting with you. Plus Rohan has my back. " he turned to Rohan who nodded Stoically.

Cracking noises alerted the group and they turned to see the same thing that happened in the woods with wolves was once again happening. The separate monsters became one and soon, a gigantic, three headed monster rose up. Its eyes burned red and it's nostrils flared in anger.

It charged, it's steps quacking the ground. Everyone readied, but two figured soared above their heads. Finn recognized the princesses as the flapped their wings and charged at the monster. Wielding their magic, they blasted the bull with rays of yellow and white light. The others joined as they also threw spells after spells to fight the beast.

Rohan stood by his side, never faltering.

The air suddenly thickened around finn. His breath caught as the monster channelled, as if he was sucking the power in the air, then it opened his mouth. Rays of purple flames shot toward the princesses. They were hit, and fell to the ground, but not before righting themselves using their wings.

"It's too powerful" Azura mused, her once perfectly coiffed hair falling behind her. Mene nodded. " indeed sister, we need another plan to defeat this vile beast"

With that, the both raised their hands and a barrier formed and engulfed the city. The monster charged at it but the shield held strong.

"We're going to hold it off as long as we can, but we need a plan as our magic has limits." Mene instructed, and a new panic filled Finn. If the princesses didn't know how to kill this beast, then who would?

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