Chapter 2

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Rohan and Finn explored the busy streets and different goods. Finn looked at everything with genuine curiosity, but Rohan was more so curious about him. Did Finn know he was actually hanging out with the prince? If he did, then what would be his reaction? Would he be fearful? Awed? would he want to do anything to appeal to him? would he change?

No, it was better his identity was kept secret. He would reveal it to Finn once they get well acquainted. His attention is back to the beautiful smaller man who was now smelling a dragonfruit. His eyebrow drew up in delight and his eyes seem to shine even more with the joy that filled his expression. After paying for the fruit, Finn took a small knife out of his pocket and sliced it in half, took one, and handed the other half to Rohan.

His heart jolted in his chest at that small but oh-so-significant gesture. He took it gratefully and bit into the juicy goodness.

"I've only had this fruit once, it was after my father came back from the city," Finn said with a small smile. Suddenly, Rohan wanted to get closer and capture that smile. It was so... human, yet he hung back.

"Something wrong Rohan?" Finn asked his expression one of concern.

"It's just... this fruit was also my mother's favorite." The pain of not remembering her gnawed at him. damn mages! but he corrected his frown as his eyes found Finn.

"Was? Is she not of this world anymore?"

Rohan shook his head "No" His voice was a bit gruff with the grief. A small hand found his followed by a reassuring squeeze. Finn's look was one of sympathy.

"I am so sorry to hear that. May I ask what happened, That is, If it's not too forward"

"No, it's fine," Rohan said "She was killed by a mage on my first birthday. Filthy scums!"

Finn Gasped out loud, bringing Rohan back from his anger towards the memory. It was just a for a mere second, but Rohan saw the flash of hurt, or was it guilt in Finn's eyes.  But it was gone as soon as it came.

" Do you want to explore more?" Rohan asked, but before Finn could answer, two sets of armored hands grabbed for him to drag him away. It was the guards that were to escort them. 'How did they get to us? I made sure to evade them.' Rohan thought. Finn struggled against them, but it was no use since he was also small compared to the guards.

"Step away from prince Rohan, peasant,!" The guard ordered. Finn's expression dropped as his eyes glanced to Rohan once more. Panic suddenly gripped his heart. The prince, he was walking with the prince all along and he didn't know? How could he be so careless? The prince hated mages, and he had magic or a magical ability.

"Stand down, it's okay," Rohan said or rather Prince Rohan said "He's no threat, he's a friend"

Lie, it was all a lie, Finn could never be considered a friend of Rohan's. Not with his background, not when Rohan despised who he was. The panic built up inside of him, it seized his muscles and made his senses fuzzy. The usually welcome buzzing was now a incessant crackling, like small chains of lightning. he found himself backing away when the guards obeyed and released him.

"Finn?" Rohan said with what he hoped was a friendly voice. He was backing away, as if afraid of him after he learned who Rohan truly was. it didn't make sense. Lydia appeared next to him, her arms carrying a basket of fruit. " What's going on?" she asked, but Rohan knew from her gaze that she had pieced it together.

"It's okay, darling, there's no need to worry. Really You're in no trouble" She cast a rather spiteful glare at the guards but everyone stilled. There was a buzzing sound. It was faint, but it seemed to be coming from Finn.

Finn's fingers were cast in a golden glow that seemed to grow with the buzzing. 'This wasn't happening fin told himself, but the small gasps and look of horror from everyone as they drew back, with some even scrambling away from him.

"A mage!" one of the guards shouted, drawing his sword, soon they all did, even Rohan was handed one. Finn watched in horror as he accepted it, his friendly face twisting in one of confusion, then anger.

He needed to run.

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