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The whole time they were exploring, Finn had latched onto his arm. It felt good, Rohan could almost feel Finn's happiness through his bones. Odd sensation, then again the whole kingdom they were in was magic.

As the ground kept shaking, panick rose. People rushing left and right to get shelter. The soil trembled as if a giant was angrily stomping his way over. In the distance he could make out the lining of trees parting as if being pushed through.

Instinctively he drew his sword and positioned himself in front of Finn. "Nesta? What's going on?" But the beast was upon him before Finn's question was answered. It was the same black, smokey type of demon they faced in the forest, but this one was a different animal. A bull, and it was angry.

The wind picked up as Nesta shot from the ground and into the air. She did and intricate motion with her hands and they glowed a bright blue.

"Thorn!" She exclaimed " they've never came this close before." She looked down as the twins and more people joined her. She lowered herself and looked upon them with the seriousness of a soldier, and when she spoke, she had the authority of a general.

"Penelope, take the earth-attuned and see to the wards." A girl with bright red hair dresser sin green armor nodded and dashed away, leaving a flurry of leaves behind her. Nesta then turned to the twins, " Ester, stay with Finn, and Aster, mobilise the Pyromancers and stand guard."

As everyone moved, Rohan realized how prepared they seemed to be, like they'd been dealing with this threat for some time. Finn shifted and joined Nesta as she dropped down. "What about me, what should I do? " she shook her head.
"You got to safety. I assume Price Rohan should be able to keep you safe? " she eyed Rohan expectantly and he nodded, he would protect Finn at all cost.

They were ushered to a building not far from where Nesta was stationed with the other guards. Ester related a hand on Finn's shoulder, the movement sparking ire in Rohan, but he swallowed it. "It will be okay, we train regularly for these kind of moments. " he smiled reasuringly and Finn's shoulders relaxed slightly.

The beast rammed forward but was stopped by and invisible barrier. Nesta and a group of others and their hands raised and were maintaining a spell. The wind outside was restless. Another group blasted fire at the beast as an attempt to wound it, but like last time, Rohan realized, it did nothing but further anger the beast. It wasn't working, and judging by the way the beast seemed to get closer by the minute meant that the mages were getting tired.

He turned to Finn, who's eye were already on him. "I have to go help, stay here" but Finn was shaking his head before Rohan could move.

"Not alone, your sword won't do anything against them. "

It was true, but Rohan couldn't stand by powerless while others were in danger. He was used to be the protector, not the protected. "I have to help them protect the people. "

"Then I will join you" Finn was brimming with resolve.

"No, it's not safe for you"

"I may not understand my magic yet, but it was no coincidence that I stopped our last monster. If I did it then, then I'm sure I can do it now. "

They both looked to the ice twin who so much as shrugged, but worry lined his face. "We might need all hands on deck, so be careful. "

As they approached the battle, more rambling shook the earth as three more beasts appeared. They indeed would need all hands on deck.

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