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Finn was running through the now abandoned streets of the market. It wasn't long ago that it was filled with people and loud chatter. The guards and Rohan were hot on his trail, sword drawn, and undoubtedly wanting him dead. His hands were trembling and were still glowing. This had never happened to him before, why did it have to be now? But he knew, he was a mage, so he was dangerous. But was he? he'd never want to hurt someone, and would never in his life do that.

"Stop you filthy mage!" A guard screamed closer behind him than he thought. They were gaining on him. Bracing his legs and ignoring the pulsing of his fingers, he pushed through. What could he do in this situation? Although he had been chased before by a bear, he had found a tree to climb on. here, there was no tree, nothing to allow him a evade. The footsteps behind him grew closer, and soon he heard more coming from his right.

"Oh God, No" Finn Gasped, breathless as more guards now on horses joined the chase. Turning an alley Finn's dread grew. It was a dead end. Somehow, during the chase, he had managed to corner himself at a very tall wall. It was over. His life was over. He would never see his dad again, never find love, have a family. He would never be able to see Rohan smile at him again.

Tears stung his eyes as the footsteps grew closer, and closer until they stopped.

"Finn" This time, it was Rohan who spoke, but his voice held no compassion, it wasn't friendly. It didn't sound like the gentle Rohan he spent time with earlier. He slowly turned, the tears now fell freely from his eyes. He was surrounded. The guards all had their swords drawn, and the ones atop the horses had crossbows aimed at him. It was over.

The Buzzing grew louder as the glow from his hands brightened. Finn held his hand up in front of him, palms up, which had the guards on high alert.

"I'm sorry" Finn sobbed, "I'm not dangerous, I haven't hurt anyone, I-"


Rohan's voice stunned and stung Finn to the core. He was angry and full of hatred towards Finn. Another sob escaped his lips as the guards now drew closer. "Finn" Rohan spoke " You are hereby under arrest for possessing magic and therefore endangering the lives of the citizen of Lucktov"

"No. No! Rohan Please, I promise, I'm not hurting anyone. You have to believe me" But Rohan grew deaf to his cries and Finn grew Helpless. " Please, Don't kill me, my father-"

"Shall be arrested too, you both will be judged by the royal court and be sentenced to death."

Finn Stilled. his whole body grew numb at Rohan's stone-cold tone. was he really going to die? his father too? He was maybe a mage, but his father didn't have to pay the consequences of what he was. He would not allow it. Why was he to die? He didn't hurt anyone, didn't persecute anyone. he just wanted to live his life alongside his father. Why did everyone else get the right to that but himself? It was not fair, not fair at all.

Maybe it was time he realized the truth that's been hanging over his head all along. he was never going to be accepted for who he was. Not when people despised his kind so much, without getting to know them first. No. That's why he had to survive. he did not accept his fate, he would not die, nor will his father.

"No!" He exclaimed in a voice that didn't sound like his own. The buzzing, which had been resonating from his hands, now filled his body. It was his power, it was who he was, and no one would take it away from him, not even Rohan. His hands were glowing brighter until it was almost blinding. Looking down, he could see lines going around him. they grew like tree roots and intertwined under the ground. They glowed a bright green, it was breathtaking. Finn now had to do anything in his power to experience more from this beautiful side of himself.

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