Pt. 10 A Case Closed

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Rei: Alright... let's go.

She kept your hand in hers as you both walked to the agency.

Y/N: It just seems... it can't be... I mean, why would he...?

Rei: What is it honey?

Y/N: One of the heroes in my agency... we keep getting more and more evidence that... he's a traitor and was the one who kidnapped you all that time ago.

Rei: Really? That's... unfortunate. I take it he's a close friend?

Y/N: Yes. Thing is... I don't get it... he's clearly dedicated and motivated to save others. He's saved so many people, and it wasn't easy, it took true grit and determination, that's all I can say.

Rei: Damn... what could have caused this change in him?

Y/N: I think he's been framed.

Rei: The culprit must have been good at what he does...

Y/N: There's also... this guy. I don't know how he fits in.

Rei: What do you mean?

Y/N: He gave me a piece of metal and told me it was "sorta his, sorta not." I don't know what that's supposed to mean.

Rei: Okay... I'm not sure either.

The agency before you comes into sight as you turn the corner, each step becoming both heavier on the ground and in your heart.

Rei: Flame... come on.

She knew the pain you felt, yet you could see her lifting you up more and more with each step.

Y/N: Sorry...

Rei: I know.

She stopped you there with her words as your legs, formerly stalwart stumps, turned to mush, that failed to hold you.

Rei held you in place, almost surprisingly as your body held none of its weight.

Rei: I know, it's hard. And it's okay.

Y/N: I'm sorry...

Rei: You have nothing to be sorry about.

Finally, you collapsed to the floor, she followed you down, putting an arm around you, then another, before placing a kiss on your forehead.

Rei: I'm with you.

She assured you.

Rei: Every step. You don't have to worry.

Y/N: The police will be here any minute, to take him in.

Rei: We will pull through, whether he is a traitor, or not.

Y/N: Alright...

You walked the rest of the way, before finally, Rei had to let you go in.

As you walked in, not even with enough strength to hold your back straight, Sabre walked past and put a hand on your shoulder.

Sabre: It's no use fighting it anymore... I must've done it, I thought it wasn't me, but... I can't argue with the evidence anymore.

Y/N: There's no way it was you! If you've come to that conclusion then it only proves there was someone else involved.

Sabre: In any case... I think we are on the same page now. There was no villain... most likely, another... alternate personality took hold. Looks like he's a villain I guess.

Y/N: Not precisely...

Sabre: Dude... I appreciate the... well, concern but... I gotta take it... the police are coming in soon anyway. So... look, you're just gonna have to deal with it. Along with me...

Y/N: There's one guy who just doesn't fit into this mystery... yet he knows something.

Sabre: What do you mean?

Y/N: I don't know. This man... he seems almost ghostly. Black as smoke.

Sabre: Shit. What do you think he's got to do with this?

Y/N: I don't know... see you, my friend.

Sabre: Yeah... I never thought it would come to this... but, look, I'm a hero by day, villain by night apparently... it all makes sense though.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Sabre: Well, to put it simple... you know how I talked about my separate personalities?

Y/N: Yes. So?

Sabre: Well, I'm imagining one, probably being Cutlass would then be screwing with the memory of the encounter to cover its tracks so I don't find it.

Y/N: But did that happen before?

Sabre: No. But that doesn't mean it can't happen this time. Anyways... dude... it looks like I'm the culprit.

Y/N: You can't be.

Sabre: No sweat, look, let's have a drink before the police get here. They seem to be taking their sweet ass time.

Y/N: Alright.

Both of you walked into another room, this happened to be Sabre's office of sorts, he walked up to a safe in the wall.

Sabre: Never actually set the code, if there's no code, there's no way to get in. Unless... you can do this.

He slammed the safe open with a small flame shooting from his elbow.

Sabre: Been saving this for a special occasion.

Y/N: Can you not do that inside?

Sabre: Yeah sure, have some whiskey.

He pours one for you and for him.

Y/N: Where'd you get this?

Sabre: Brother. He told me that if it was a one last drink kinda thing, this'd be my last.

He took a sip.

Sabre: Can see why.

You took an sip and immediately realised what he meant as the liquid touched your tongue.

Sabre: Anyways, sorry about my other self.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Sabre: The thing that started this all, I kidnapped your lady.

Y/N: It wasn't you.

Sabre: Look, I appreciate it... but I guess I gotta own up, even if I don't remember shit.

Y/N: You don't have to, I can continue the investigation.

Sabre: The police won't let you, it's done. Look dude, I don't think she got hurt so I'll be out in a few years, unless something goes really wrong.

Y/N: Alright then... I'll still be trying for answers.

Sabre: Don't sweat it.

The sound of sirens outside signal the end of these times.

Sabre: Well old friend, we should finish up, no point wasting good liquor.

Y/N: I guess.

Both of you finish the drink and place your empty glasses to the side.

Sabre: See you on the other side.

Y/N: To you as well, friend.

He stands up with a hand on your shoulder, next, holding you in the tight embrace of brothers, before the police come through the door, to take him away.

I'm Enji now?!?! (Good bodyswap Enji reader x Rei)Where stories live. Discover now