Pt. 14 Partners Once More

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Two weeks later-

You stood with a crowd, waiting for Sabre's release, some with banners in protest, some with microphones, and clipboards with questions to ask, you, with nothing except your face to show up.

Y/N: Alright. It's almost time.

Datsu stood beside you, cocking an eye towards the door, and the other on you.

Y/N: It'll be good to see him out.

Your jolly composure held fast.

Datsu: Eh. It's not like he's getting his hero license back, I don't know why you bothered.

Y/N: He was wrongfully imprisoned.

Datsu: I guess.

The door flew open and the sounds of either cheering or jeering filled the place, as Sabre was rolled out, not yet out of his bindings.

Rei tugged your arm in excitement, as he smiled with a confident grin at everyone, even those who mocked him.

You waved to him, to which he nodded, he couldn't move his arms to greet you.

An hour later, some legal official you couldn't be bothered with the title of made his statement and the bindings were released from him, he held one of his arms with his hand, one being more noticeably marked than the other.

Well... now I know what would have happened for sure had I not been here.

You nodded, having answered the question that had confused you since you met Sabre.

???: Well look at that, you twisted fate.

You looked behind you to see a figure you recognised.

Y/N: Mr-

???: Ba bow.

He said like a game show buzzer, already knowing what you'd finish with.

???: Remember, dude isn't born yet. Also, great work.

Y/N: Oh. Right... The Man... that's it...

The Man: Yep. Sure is. Anyways, you've been pulling a lot of strings lately. Got Sabre out of prison, he would have been killed in a riot a few months later if not for you, y'know.

Y/N: I saved him?

The Man: Second of many. Now go on, there's another scene that needs your attention.

You looked back around, cocking an eye back to him, to see him gone.

Both your eyes focused on Sabre when you heard a female voice.

???: Hang on, the hero Datsu?

You looked to see a woman, with her blue hair in two buns, looking like Toga slightly.

He looked around to see her.

Datsu: That I am.

He was far shorter than her, laughably so, he only got up to her shoulder, with this woman being roughly as tall as Rei.

I'm Enji now?!?! (Good bodyswap Enji reader x Rei)Where stories live. Discover now