chapter thirty-one

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the moment i knew (taylor's version)

standing before such a vile, corrupted man like my father, my hands remain steady even though my soul shakes to its core at the sight of him.

it was like slow motion

all of this happened so fast.

i felt like a fucking idiot standing by the door really believing he'd show up.

i never thought i'd see his face and he probably didn't think i'd show.

"you're a fucking coward, you know that? dad? oh wait that's right, you stopped being my father the day you bailed on my fucking birthday."

he grooms the stubble on his chin as he keeps his head down. "y/n,"

"do you remember the day you called me?"

"hey, baby girl. i'm sorry i've been gone for so long, but i promise to call you every day from now on."

"daddy, where have you been?"

"i needed help. i couldn't keep putting you and your mother through hell the way i was, and as brutal it was for me..."

"i needed to go," he recited his words from the phone call, "but i called you every day after that, then you-"

"stopped answering, yeah. i fucking know, and you know damn well why too. so was all this the help you needed? the help that almost got me fucking killed?"

"and it killed me when that happened to you. i wanted to come see you and kill that son of a bitch with my bare hands."

"where the fuck were you?"

he sighs with guilt, "i was in bali and i couldn't get a flight back."

"fuck you. if you really cared, you would've found a way."

"y/n, i wasn't in this position three years ago."

"where were you on my birthday?"

he stands...silent.

"fucking answer me."

it's 6 p.m. and people are starting to flood my living room. there was kasen, alyssa, my mom, my grandparents, maternal and paternal, a few other kids from school, and even some of my dad's close friends from around the neighborhood.

"give him time," alyssa whispered to me, grazing my shoulder to calm my nerves. i give her a nod. it's been two years since i've seen my dad, it's a lot for the three of us. all of us, actually. everyone here kind of knew the deal between my family.

i look around at all the party lights glistening around the room, then to my mother, who stood in the kitchen talking with the other adults as she and my grandmothers decorated my birthday cake.

"you should have fucking been there."

it's almost 7 now, and i'm fucking tired of dancing. every ten minutes, i found myself glancing at the front door, just waiting for my dad to burst through the door and give me that "i'm right here" smile and i'd give him a warm embrace, similar to a battle hero's welcome. everyone's smiling around me, and i fake my best smile back. it's my sixteenth birthday, and my own father couldn't even show up after he promised.

"it's almost time for cake guys!" my mother's voice is bright and vibrant. she's probably at ease knowing my dad didn't show, and she had every right to feel that way.

"and i could have been so fucking happy," a small tear escapes from my eye as i attempt to clear my shaky voice.

everyone's standing around me singing

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