Chapter Forty.

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"Stop that," (Y/n) huffed, pushing George's camera down.

"But (Y/n)," George whined. "I've got a video project about the lives of Muggle-borns."

"You're the fifth person to ask me! My answer is: no!" (Y/n) exclaimed, exasperated. She snapped her script shut and stood up to leave.

"Fifth? Really? That makes me feel very uncreative," George mumbled. "Who?"

"Angelina, Cedric, Lee, and Fred," (Y/n) huffed.

"Well... Great minds think alike," George said. "What'd you tell them?"

"Come back to me with separate ideas and an actual plan and then we'll talk," (Y/n) answered.

"(Y/n), I don't think they told you what the project was about," George said.

"Is it not a video essay about Muggle things?" (Y/n) asked.

"No! It's a 'week in a Muggle-born's life' or something like that," George said. "Hang on, I've got very bad assignment details somewhere in here..."

"I do not want to be the Muggle-born of choice!" (Y/n) exclaimed. "There are dozens you could take a pick from and I'm not one of them!"

"(Y/n)!" George whined. "You're our favourite Muggle-born: Hermione's boring, Leanne's shy, Anthony's... pretty decent, actually... so is Dean..."

"(Y/n)!" Angelina sang as she strode up. "I've got a game plan!"

"Already?" (Y/n) smiled. "Ange, it's been fifteen minutes."

"Hm. I guess my mind's really flowing with creative juices." George and (Y/n) made faces.

"Never say that again please."


The last thing (Y/n) expected was for the video projects to be presented to anybody who would watch them. (Y/n) was the most common Muggle-born showing up and for entirely different moods each time: Cedric's video was very pleasing to look at, Angelina's was chaotic, Lee's was very chill, and Fred and George's separate videos were all over the place.

"There are supposed to be four eclipses this year," video (Y/n) was telling Cedric, who had the camera on her. The moonlight had lit her and her very ugly geometric cardigan (that was buttoned up) that she managed to pull off up just perfectly. "Two in April, two in October— Don't look at me like that. Eclipses are a very real thing, Cedric."

"Uh-huh. Just like wingless dragons are real," Cedric jeered.

"Wingless drag— Dinosaurs? You mean dinosaurs?!" There was very clearly a cut and (Y/n), just her hands and torso and atrocious sweater visible, held tiny plastic dinosaurs in her hands. "You're going to tell me these aren't real?"

"Those are toys, (Y/n)."

"And?" (Y/n) said. "Their toys based off of concepts that are based off of bones that potentially go together and from 'wingless dragons' as you called them. You're going to tell me that dragons are more believable than prehistoric creatures roaming the earth some 65 billion years ago?"

"Too many big words."

"They move, Ced! Watch them go," (Y/n) cooed as the dragons moved in her hands (occasionally biting her with their nonexistent teeth).

"Where'd you even get these?"

"I think Harry got them as an ironic gift, but I love them," (Y/n) said. "I, naturally, named them all after him."

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