Chapter 7 - Problems

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"This better be important Shoyo." was the first thing that was said when the door swung open. A grumpy Evan, and an amused Noah shuffled through the doorway and slipped off their shoes.

"Trust me, it is." Sho assured before hugging both boys in turn. Over Shoyo's shoulder, Evan spotted a pair of very large shoes that didn't belong to anyone who should be in the house.

"Sho. Who's shoes are those?" He pointed them out.

"You'll see." Shoyo grabbed Evan's hand and began dragging him away. At the bottom of the stairs, he paused and looked back. "Noah, I think my Mom, Nat, and Kazu are already asleep so you can just make yourself at home. We'll probably be here all night so feel free to use the guest room when you get tired."

"Alright, thanks Sho-chan." Noah smiled, going to the living room, most likely to watch TV.

"We're going to be here all night?" Evan whined on the way up the stairs. "Sho, we just spent the whole weekend not sleeping, and now I'm tired and there's school tomorrow."

"I know. I'm sorry, but this couldn't wait." They made their way down the hall.

"At least tell me this is good news."

"There's good news! Yay!... But there's also bad news." Shoyo said with his hand on the door handle.

Evan sighed. "When is there ever not bad news too?" he asked nobody. "Okay, give me the good news first." Shoyo nodded and pushed the door open.

There sat Asahi on the bed nervously playing with his fingers. When he heard the door open he looked over to see Hinata gesturing his way with both arms, almost like he was the new car that someone could win in a game show. "Here it is! Ta-da!" Shoyo whisper-yelled. Beside him stood Evan. Sharp green eyes squinted at Asahi before turning to meet Shoyo's.

"The good news is that knock-off Jesus is sitting on your bed?" Shoyo's shoulders dropped in disappointment. Asahi just sat there wide eyed. "I thought you said this was important, Shoyo."

Hinata face-palmed and dragged Evan the rest of the way into the room before closing the door again. "I'm going to disregard that comment." Shoyo stated wisely. "Evan. This is Asahi-san. He's on the volleyball team."

Evan relaxed a bit. He was probably thinking along the same lines that Himari was when she first saw Asahi. "Oh. Hello Asahi-san, I'm Evan." he introduced himself politely.

"Asahi-san is also like us." Shoyo had a small smile on his face.

Evan looked at Shoyo surprised, then his eyes went back to Asahi. He was wide awake now. "Like us. You mean-?"

Shoyo nodded. "He has wings too." he whispered.

Evan nodded, "I see." he moved to sit down in Shoyo's desk chair. "In that case, I guess we'll be getting to know each other, Asahi-san. Winged children have to stick together." Evan smiled for the first time so far that night. The giant sitting across from him visibly relaxed at that.

Shoyo nodded in approval at this interaction and went to sit down in his previous spot beside Asahi. "So, that's the good news..."

Evan quickly went back to being worried. "And the bad news is...?"

"My team is onto us. I think Asahi could explain a little better."

They spent the next while catching Evan up on everything that Ennoshita had found out, and that he shared with the whole team.

Evan ran a hand through his hair in frustration with a groan. "This is definitely going to be a problem."

"Would it be the end of the world if the team found out?" Asahi asked hesitantly, hoping the two other winged children were just exaggerating.

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