Chapter 32 - Shock

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 Barlowe snarled in anger, struggling and failing to get out from under Ukai and Shoyo. "You little bitch!" He spat. "Your tiny ass is worth a lot more than a couple small injuries. All the dealers are after you!" He smiled a slimy smile. "I'm just the only one who's made any progress. I want that money for myself." He taunted. "But you'll be caught eventually. You know that right?" Barlowe laughed.

Shoyo signed and dug his nails into the flesh around Barlowe's wrists. "How's it going over there Tori-kun?" He asked, ignoring the seething man beneath his knee.

Tendou was busy rooting around in the trunk of the car. "Fine! I haven't found any other guns or anything yet!" He called out, his voice a bit muffled as his whole front half had disappeared into the vehicle. After a moment, they all watched as Tendou tossed a couple cases of beer and boxes of cigarettes out of the vehicle where they landed in a muddy spot behind him. When he was finished there, he looked over at Barlowe. "Oh! You weren't going to drink those beers were you?" He blinked innocently when the man on the ground growled. "Oops! My bad." He snickered and continued on to the backseat, checking underneath the seat, feeling over the seams of the fabric covering just in case there was a hidden opening somewhere. He checked in the pockets on the back of the front seats, and in the compartments in the doors, then moved up to the front to do the same there, with the addition of the glovebox and center compartments to check. He hummed when he found another handgun and a bag of ammo and extra magazines in the glove box and a couple nasty looking knives in the center compartment. He put the knives in his pocket and grabbed the bag and the other gun before jumping back out of the car.

"Finished!" He announced. "I found another gun and a couple knives which have all been confiscated!" Tendou wandered over to Shoyo, handing him one of the guns.

"Thanks." Shoyo immediately looked over the gun and opened the slide. "A Glock pistol. No safety. Already loaded." He tisked at Barlowe. "You were really ready to go and shoot someone, huh? Okay." He sighed, closing the slide again and digging the gun into Barlowe's back. "Here's what's going to happen, Barlowe. We're going to let you go in a moment, and back away. Then, once told, you may, with slow movements, get back in your car and drive to wherever it is your sorry ass came from, and never look back. Are we clear?" Shoyo demanded.

Ukai and Asahi both looked at Shoyo in shock then, and saw a completely different person than the one that they knew. This Shoyo was a cold and ruthless teen set to inherit the family business. And he did mean business. Tendou only smirked as he checked out the gun in his own hands.

When the man beneath his knee stayed silent, Shoyo narrowed his eyes. "I said. Are. We. Clear?" Ukai could swear the temperature dropped a few degrees just at the sound of Shoyo's voice.

Barlowe grunted, obviously displeased with his situation. "Fine."

Shoyo nodded, and slowly stood alongside Ukai, and began to back away, he and Tendou keeping both guns trained on the man on the ground the entire time. Once Shoyo deemed they were all far enough away, he spoke again. "Alright. Get up. Slowly."

Barlowe obeyed, getting up at a leisurely pace, smartly keeping his hands where they could see them. When he was fully standing, he looked into Shoyo's eyes and let a twisted smirk spread across his face. Shoyo's eyes hardened. He gripped the gun tighter.

A raspy chuckle escaped from between Barlowe's cracked lips. "Wow." He shook his head, a mocking smile still plastered on his face, grinning at Shoyo with too many teeth. "I'm shocked." He muttered, sarcasm dripping from his words. "Who would have thought little Shoyo had it in him to threaten someone? Hmm."

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