Chapter 23 - Things Teenagers Do

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Sorry this chapter is a bit late! I've been really sick with a cold so my schedule is all messed up.

On another note, this chapter is kind of on crack so... enjoy I guess.

Glancing at his phone, Shoyo noted that it was about time for dinner. He sighed, shifting a fast asleep Kazu onto his bedding so he could retract his wings and pull his shirt back on. He stood up, scooping Kazu into his arms once again before exiting the room and making his way to the cafeteria.

On the way, Kazutaka blinked his eyes open and smiled sleepily up at Shoyo and reached up to wrap his arms around his neck. He nuzzled his face into Shoyo's chest, making sure to be careful of the side with the bandage. As he pushed open the door to the cafeteria, he noted that most everyone was there already and they all looked up at him when he entered. The room fell into silence as the volleyball players stared at him expectantly.

Shoyo glanced around the room, his eyes settling on the area of the floor where he fell at lunch. The tension rose as Shoyo took a moment to take in the scene before him. Nothing had been cleaned up yet from the incident. Instead, a few cones with cautionary tape strung between them enclosed the area where discarded food and bloodied pieces of plate lay on the ground. Shoyo bit down on his lip as he felt something rise up in his throat. He lifted his gaze to meet Tendou's eyes across the room.

The corners of his lips twitched as he looked at his friend, trying to hold it back. Tendou snickered. And then they were both laughing. Uncontrollable giggles tumbling out of Hinata's mouth, bringing tears to his eyes. He had to put Kazu down to keep his balance with one hand on his knee, the other clutching his stomach. Tendou cackled along with his friend so hard he fell out of his chair while the rest of the room stared dumbfounded, searching for the joke.

"Oh my-" Hinata tried to slow his laughing to gasp for some air to no avail. His giggling quickly turned to heaving laughter that made no sound and hurt his belly, tears streaming down his face. "It looks like-" He cut himself off with more silent laughter.

Tendou wheezed. "Shou-chan!" He laughed, "It's your own little crime scene!" He exclaimed before they dissolved into more laughter, both clutching at their stomachs now, chests heaving desperately for oxygen.

Finally, after several exhausting minutes where they laughed cramps into their guts and the rest of the volleyball players exchanged amused, but slightly concerned looks, they sighed out the rest of their amusement. "Hum, I'm crying!" Shoyo chuckled out, just as Tendou turned over onto his front and looked up and they made eye contact. Not a second later they were laughing again. Shoyo reached out to grab nothing in front of him as he searched for balance. Tendou banged his fist on the floor and bent his knees so his feet stuck up in the air, kicking them back and forth.

Another couple of minutes passed before they calmed down again. Shoyo sighed, wiping the tears off his face. "That should not have been that funny." He scooped up Kazu again and grabbed a tray to pick out some food for Kazu to eat before crossing the room to plop down into a seat at Tendou's table, his back to the door. "Why didn't they just clean it up?" He chuckled as he set Kazutaka in the chair beside him.

"No clue." Tendou shrugged, smirking as he reclaimed his own seat. "You aren't going to eat?" He asked, nodding to the empty space on the table where Shoyo's tray of food should have been.

"Nah. I'll just have a snack later."

"Well at least have this." Tendou slid a box of chocolate milk across the table.

"Thanks." Shoyo took the drink absently as he watched Kazu take his first few bites, making sure he was eating the chicken and veggies first and not the chocolate chip cookie.

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