Chapter 35 - Safe in His Arms

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 Shoyo was cackling internally as he tipped back on his heels and over the ledge. He knew this was kind of evil of him, but well, he couldn't exactly give an opportunity like this up.

As the shocked and horrified cries from above him on the roof sounded, he allowed his wings to burst from his back just in time to prevent him from hitting the pavement. He flapped the feathery appendages hard and fast, shooting up into the air. He laughed as he smoothly maneuvered into a loop just as he came back within sight of those he'd caused to panic, eliciting even more disbelieving gasps. As he came out of the loop, he shot forward towards the group of gathered volleyball players, coaches, managers, and Kindaichis, forcing them to duck.

Noya and Tanaka cheered loudly, Tsukishima clapping lamely beside them as Asahi, Ukai, and Tendou all shed their own shirts to join him in the air. He couldn't help but to beam brightly as they circled and twirled around each other in an elegant aerial dance. Asahi's wings were magnificently huge, allowing him to glide and dive effortlessly despite his many years of hiding without ever going for a fly. Tendou's wings were vibrant and starling against the pale blue sky, Shoyo couldn't help but think they fit his personality perfectly in all his boldness. Ukai's wings were much like his own, sleek and black. They reminded him painfully of the brother they had each lost.

When they finally began to touch back down, Shoyo aimed directly for Oikawa. His wings spread out at his sides to slow his descent, he yelled out a hasty "catch!", laughing as he did so. Oikawa opened his arms for him, only stumbling back a step as Shoyo crashed into him.

Shoyo wrapped his arms around Tooru's neck and his legs around his waist, his wings fluttering out behind him. Oikawa was quick to adjust, wrapping one arm around Shoyo's back just under the base of his wings, and the other underneath him to support his weight. They both laughed as Oikawa spun them around once, the rest watching on, either in amusement or bemusement.

Noya meanwhile had tackled Asahi into a hug exclaiming over how cool his wings were. Ushijima calmly strode over and took Tendou into his arms and began stroking though the bright red feathers as though he did so everyday. He probably did.

Ukai chuckled, casually taking a seat on the ledge, his wings folded comfortable behind him. "Alright!" He called out, getting everyone to quiet down. "I know this is most likely quite the shock to most of you, but before we get into all the technicalities and answering questions you no doubt have about us, we should get out of here. Explanations can come later once we have reconnected with the rest of the world and gotten some food into our bellies" He announced, his fellow winged children detaching themselves from their partners to come stand beside him as he did so. "We'll be taking you guys down to the ground one at a time, lighter people should go with Hinata, heavier with myself and Asahi, and those kind of in the middle with Tendou." He instructed.

"Ooooh! Me first! Me first!" Noya raised his hand, enthusiastically bounding over to Shoyo with an excited grin.

Shoyo laughed as he grabbed onto Noya. "Hold tight." He warned, before taking off with a strong flap of his wings. Noya cheered as they took to the air, Shoyo, knowing he would appreciate it, did a loop before heading for the ground.

It was no time at all until everyone was once again safe on the ground and heading for the buses. The coaches decided they would all head for Aoba Johsai since it was closest and eat together and spend the night there before heading their separate ways. This meant they didn't have to stick to their own team's bus for now. Shoyo of course, gathered his group of people up and herded them all onto the Karasuno bus. He took Oikawa, Kageyama, Iwaizumi, Tendou, Ushijima, Tsukishima, Asahi, Noya, Tanaka, and Kunimi, plus all the Kindaichis whose car was damaged from some collapsed debris.

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