Chapter 14 - Baseball Game

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School went too fast for Shoyo on Wednesday. He wasn't sure he was ready to look through those pictures yet. But he put on a brave face all day, and by the end of volleyball practice that afternoon he was feeling completely exhausted.

"You okay Shoyo?" Asahi had noticed the tense look on Hinata's face and sidled over to make sure he was alright.

Shoyo gave Asahi a strained smile. "Yeah, I'm just not looking forward to having to look through the photos." He whispered back, seeing no point in lying. Asahi returned his smile with an understanding one and ruffled his ginger hair.

"I'm not sure there's anything I can do about that, but we're all here for you if you need us." He assured gently.

Shoyo nodded appreciatively and closed his locker, swinging his bag over his shoulder. He made his way over to Kageyama to explain that he couldn't walk with him today before leaving in the direction of the school field.

Not long after he had situated himself on the bleachers, baseball glove in hand, he was joined by Noya, Asahi, Tanaka, and Tsukishima.

There were crows scavenging for dropped food from the concession that some students were running, and pretty soon one came to say hello to Shoyo. The others watched in fascination as Shoyo quietly interacted with the bird before it once again flew away in search of some garbage to pick through.

The game started soon enough and not ten minutes in, Tanaka was looking very confused. He leaned over and said only loud enough for their group to hear him. "Am I the only one who knows nothing about baseball?" The rest laughed a bit and shook their heads, confirming that they didn't know what was going on either.

"I have been to a few games before but I still don't know exactly how it works." Shoyo admitted. "When I come it's only to cheer for Evan." The rest hummed in understanding.

When Evan was next up to bat, Shoyo stood up. "I'll be right back." He said making his way to the bleachers on the other side of the field that were right across from home base. There were a few people that were watching from there, but not many, as most preferred to watch from behind the batter, or to the side of the diamond.

The group of friends watched curiously as Shoyo stayed standing on the far bleachers and held his arm straight up in the air, baseball glove on his hand, seemingly making eye contact with Evan, who was waiting for the pitcher to throw him the ball, bat held in position over his shoulder. "What is he doing?" Noya asked, not expecting anyone to answer.

"Just watch." Kei told them. "I've seen them do this before when I came to one of Evan's games a couple weeks ago."

So they turned back to the game, holding their breaths as the pitcher let the ball loose, heading fast and hard towards Evan. They watched as the ball connected with the metal bat with a loud ping and flew through the air. Evan didn't even bother to start running to first base in favor of watching where the ball would end up. Silence covered the field as the ball soared clear over the fence and landed neatly in Shoyo's glove.

For a second everything was quiet. Then Shoyo let out a loud whoop in celebration. Karasuno's spectators and team followed his lead, cheering for Evan who only tipped his hat and took his time walking the bases.

"What the hell?! How did he do that?!" Tanaka exclaimed.

Kei only smirked, feeling something akin to pride. "Apparently Evan does better when he has something specific to focus on. Hence, Shoyo stands where he wants the ball to go." He explained.

"Huh." Tanaka stated lamely, admiration in his eyes.


As Shoyo made his way back to his friends, he made a stop at the bathrooms. He did his business, and went to wash his hands. Just as he turned on the tap someone else entered. Shoyo paid the man no mind until he noticed he hadn't moved to use the urinals or the stalls. He only stood there, watching Shoyo through the mirror. Getting nervous under the man's gaze, Shoyo quickly turned off the water and made to leave without bothering to dry his hands, grabbing the ball and glove from off the counter on the way out. But the exit was blocked. The man had stepped in his way.

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